
Summary:ASTERISK-19768: ConfBridge - sound_muted/sound_unmuted aren't playing
Reporter:Mathieu Bodjikian (bodji)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-04-23 04:30:01Date Closed:2012-05-04 10:26:24
Versions:10.3.0 Frequency of
Environment:Debian Squeeze Arch : AMD64 Kernel : 3.2.13 Attachments:( 0) app_confbridge.c
Description:The sounds for mute/unmute are not transmitted to the channel who is muted/unmuted.

- Default bridge profile or custom => Same problem
- No line appears in CLI (verbose max) when a channel is muted/unmuted from confbridge
- I tried to mute via CLI & AMI => Same problem
- I tried to force variable via AMI before launching confbridge :
   $AGI->set_variable('CONFBRIDGE(bridge,sound_muted)'         , '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/confbridge-muted');
   => Same problem (but this is working with set variable CONFBRIDGE(bridge,sound_kicked) with the muted sound)

Comments:By: Benoit Minard (benoitm) 2012-04-25 04:58:11.418-0500

I have the same problem with the "sound_unmuted" parameter and a CLI unmute...
Others sounds works but not this one.

By: MARTIN Nicolas (cocorambo) 2012-04-26 04:18:39.791-0500

Exactly the same here :(

By: Mathieu Bodjikian (bodji) 2012-04-26 08:42:35.615-0500

Notice : No event is raised on mute/unmute in AMI neither.

By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2012-05-02 08:26:44.374-0500

I would like to clarify a few things so that I may better understand the issue you are having.  I tested out mute/unmute from the in-conference menu and that seems to be working properly.

Default bridge profile or custom => Same problem
 I had no problem setting sound_mute from confbridge.conf or in the dialplan and it seemed to work as expected.

No line appears in CLI (verbose max) when a channel is muted/unmuted from confbridge
 When I triggered a mute from the in-conference menu, there were several lines displayed.

I tried to mute via CLI & AMI => Same problem
 I reproduced this.  A mute via CLI does not appear to notify the user that the muting occurred.

Could you please attach your confbridge.conf and describe the steps you took to reproduce this issue?

Thank you,

By: MARTIN Nicolas (cocorambo) 2012-05-02 11:01:59.809-0500

I think the only problem is exactly this one:
{quote}I tried to mute via CLI & AMI => Same problem
I reproduced this. A mute via CLI does not appear to notify the user that the muting occurred.{quote}

Asterisk confbridge.conf default configuration

Steps to reproduce
# Write an extension (AEL):
context test-confbridge {
   1234 => {

       Set(CONFBRIDGE(bridge,sound_unmuted)=conf-unmuted); // Sound included in asterisk to avoid any format problem
       Set(CONFBRIDGE(bridge,sound_muted)=conf-muted); // Sound included in asterisk to avoid any format problem

       ConfBridge(1); // No special profile for bridge, user or menu
# Call 1234 in the context
# While your are in the conference, launch an asterisk CLI and type {code}confbridge mute|unmute 1 "your_channel"{code}
# We expected to be notified by a sound conf-muted|conf-unmuted but nothing... :(

I hope it can help even if I think you had already done that

By: MARTIN Nicolas (cocorambo) 2012-05-04 05:17:03.356-0500

Here the app_confbridge.c that I try to edit.
I add those lines at line 2028
{code}ast_stream_and_wait(participant->chan, (participant->features.mute ?
           conf_get_sound(CONF_SOUND_MUTED, participant->b_profile.sounds) :
           conf_get_sound(CONF_SOUND_UNMUTED, participant->b_profile.sounds)),

It effectively play sound but quality is really bad and I finally get this error:
{code}WARNING[711]: channel.c:4986 ast_write: Codec mismatch on channel SIP/nmartin-000001d0 setting write format to gsm from slin native formats (alaw)
WARNING[1476]: channel.c:4986 ast_write: Codec mismatch on channel SIP/nmartin-000001d0 setting write format to slin from gsm native formats (alaw){code}

I think I am not on the good channel but I don't really understand why

By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2012-05-04 10:25:57.905-0500

Features requests are no longer submitted to or accepted through the issue tracker. Features requests are openly discussed on the mailing lists [1] and Asterisk IRC channels and made note of by Bug Marshals.

[1] http://www.asterisk.org/support/mailing-lists

The AMI/CLI mute/unmute feature in ConfBridge behaves similarly to the AMI/CLI mute/unmute feature in MeetMe in that neither notifies the user that he/she has been muted/unmuted.  Given this information, such a change would be an unexpected behavior, is not a bug, and should not go into current releases.