
Summary:ASTERISK-19599: Announce parking slot number to callee
Reporter:Frank DiGennaro (cbbs70a)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-03-28 12:18:40Date Closed:2012-03-28 12:48:18
Versions:Frequency of
Description:While its a standard feature to announce the slot number to the person putting a callee on hold, it is currently not possible to also announce the slot number to the person being put on hold. Because of that, I would like to submit this feature request. From what I found in main/features.c, the parking slot is announced to the "parker" here:

/* Tell the peer channel the number of the parking space */
ast_say_digits(peer, pu->parkingnum, "", peer->language);

It seems to me that it should be fairly easy to add an option to also announce to the callee.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-03-28 12:48:09.358-0500

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