
Summary:ASTERISK-19591: CallCompletion atumatic cancel on call return
Reporter:Sergio Serrano (srsergio)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-03-26 06:34:13Date Closed:2012-03-26 09:35:24
Versions: Frequency of
Description:Doing tests with call completion we realize next scenario.

When "extension A" call to "extension B" and "extension B" no answer. "Extension A" activate CCNR in a generic mode with CallCompetionRequest(). User in "Eetension A" return and he see Missed call and return call to "extension B". Both extensions talk between them and after one of then hangs the call, the CCSS make a new call between them. I have review a dialplan way to cancel CCSS but I don't find it. It would be wonderful that was developed a way to cancel a CCSS in  dialplan.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-03-26 09:35:20.060-0500

Features requests are no longer submitted to or accepted through the issue tracker. Features requests are openly discussed on the mailing lists [1] and Asterisk IRC channels and made note of by Bug Marshals.

[1] http://www.asterisk.org/support/mailing-lists

By: Sergio Serrano (srsergio) 2012-03-26 09:51:55.611-0500

Hi Matt, if you think about this, this is not an improve or new feature. In all PBX, when you invoke CCSS, this service is automatically cancelled when supervised extensions return call to monitor extensions. Do you think about this like a bug in service instead of new feature?