
Summary:ASTERISK-19170: realtime queues fail to load queue information when there arent valid queue_members in the queue_members table
Reporter:Rene Mendoza (renemendoza)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-01-06 13:50:33.000-0600Date Closed:2012-01-13 11:01:32.000-0600
Versions:SVN 10.1.0 Frequency of
must be completed before resolvingASTERISK-19040 Asterisk Blockers
must be completed before resolvingASTERISK-19041 Asterisk 10.1.0 Blockers
Environment:Linux Debian 6.0.3Attachments:( 0) rt_queue_member_patch.diff
Description:When trying to use realtime queues ( with mysql ), queues fail to load unless there are valid queue_member records in the queue_member table, in the past it was possible to have an empty queue_member table and use only Dynamic members while the queues itself were loaded from the DB using realtime

asterisk*CLI> queue show
[Jan  4 17:06:43] ERROR[32624]: app_queue.c:2349 load_realtime_queue: no queue_members defined in your config (extconfig.conf).

this is the /var/log/asterisk/debug output

[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Connection okay.
[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM call_queues WHERE name LIKE '%' ORDER BY name
[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Connection okay.
[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM call_queues WHERE name = 'demo_realtime'
[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Connection okay.
[Jan  5 22:08:06] DEBUG[4728] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM queue_assignments WHERE interface LIKE '%' AND queue_name = 'demo_realtime' ORDER BY interface

This happens on both 1.8-svn and svn trunk and previous versions are not affected
Comments:By: Jonathan Rose (jrose) 2012-01-12 09:24:47.002-0600

This appears to be caused by some changes to realtime_multientry by Terry Wilson in r342223. I'm going to take a quick look to see whether it's a better idea to work around those changes in app_queue or get with Terry to discuss the need for these changes.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-01-12 13:14:06.818-0600

I've attached a patch (rt_queue_member_patch.diff) that should apply to the 1.8 branch.  It should allow you to have your queue members not defined in the database, but still proceed with loading app_queue.  Please test it and let us know if it resolves your issue.

By: Rene Mendoza (renemendoza) 2012-01-12 13:54:03.837-0600

Hey, tested the fix on both 1.8-svn and svn trunk, works perfectly, thanks a lot, by the way the 'No queue_members...' notice appears twice:

Connected to Asterisk SVN-trunk-r350503M currently running on tincan (pid = 10391)

asterisk*CLI> queue show
demo_realtime has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'leastrecent' strategy (0s holdtime, 0s talktime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
  No Members
  No Callers

[Jan 12 14:49:24] NOTICE[10450]: app_queue.c:2435 find_load_queue_rt_friendly: No queue_members defined in your config (extconfig.conf).
[Jan 12 14:49:24] NOTICE[10450]: app_queue.c:2435 find_load_queue_rt_friendly: No queue_members defined in your config (extconfig.conf).

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-01-13 08:44:44.802-0600

Rene: I'll change that to a DEBUG message, as it is actually a valid scenario.

By: Ronny Becker (bioasterisk) 2012-07-23 00:27:32.509-0500

could it be that this change is responsable for ASTERISK-19793?