
Summary:ASTERISK-19099: ConfBridge, set marked ( to send video) from console.
Reporter:Dmitry Melekhov (slesru)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-12-23 00:45:35.000-0600Date Closed:2011-12-23 08:11:38.000-0600
Versions:10.0.0 Frequency of

According to documentation confbridge can send video rom last or first marked user, but there is no way to set or move mark from asterisk console, i.e. it is impossible to have conference administrator, which can decide which video is sent to all participants. I'm sure that this feature will be very useful.
Thank you!
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2011-12-23 08:11:28.440-0600

Features requests are no longer submitted to or accepted through the issue tracker. Features requests are openly discussed on the mailing lists [1] and Asterisk IRC channels and made note of by Bug Marshals.

If you would like to write a patch for this feature, please feel free to reopen this issue and attach the patch.

[1] http://www.asterisk.org/support/mailing-lists