
Summary:ASTERISK-18712: [patch] Advance Call Routing Capability
Reporter:Asad Gill (asad.gill)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-10-12 12:44:20Date Closed:2012-10-19 17:04:59
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Applications/app_queue Core/ManagerInterface
Versions:SVN Frequency of
is a clone ofASTERISK-18711 Advance Call Routing Capability.
Description:This patch adds third-party call routing capability to the queue. It enables a system to connect to asterisk through manger interface and control call routing to the agents. Therefore external systems will be able to implement any custom call routing algorithms.

Asterisk Manager Interface changes:
Two new AMI actions are added
1. RouteSelect (instructs the queue to route a specific call to a specific agent logged into the queue)
2. RouteEnd (let the default queue routing algo route a specific call)

Two new AMI events are added
1. RouteRequest (notify that a call is ready for routing)
2. RouteResult (notify success or failure result of a RouteSelect action)

Configuration changes:
1. This advance routing feature can be enabled through queue configuration. In order to enabled it, add "advancerouting = yes" to the queues for which advance routing is required. Any queues without this configuration will not be affected.
2. A new AMI class "route" is added. The AMI users with this class will additionally receive RouteRequest and RouteResult events and will be able to issue RouteSelect and RouteEnd actions. The default queue routing algo will be operative until an AMI user with "route" class connects to asterisk.
Comments:By: Asad Gill (asad.gill) 2011-11-03 11:33:00.290-0500

Following are sample AMI Events and Actions related to this patch

Route Request Event:
Event: RouteRequest
Privilege: route,all
Queue: TestQ1
Uniqueid: 1320326018.1
Channel: SIP/1000-00000001
CallerID: 1000
CallerIDName: 1000

Route Select Action:
Action: RouteSelect
Queue: TestQ1
Uniqueid: 1320326018.1
Agentid: Agent/200

Route Result Event (in case of successful route)
Event: RouteResult
Privilege: route,all
Result: Success
Uniqueid: 1320326018.1
Channel: SIP/1000-00000001

Route Result Event (in case of failed route)
Event: RouteResult
Privilege: route,all
Result: Fail
Uniqueid: 1320326018.1
Channel: SIP/1000-00000001
Agentid: Agent/200
Reason: Busy

Route End Action:
Action: RouteEnd
Queue: TestQ1
Uniqueid: 1320326018.1

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-08-27 09:56:00.724-0500

As the patch attached to this issue was not signed with a valid license contributor agreement, I have removed the patch.

Please sign the license contributor agreement before uploading your patch.  Note that you can sign a license agreement by clicking the hyperlink in the JIRA menu.

By: Asad Gill (asad.gill) 2012-08-27 23:05:04.427-0500

My license was accepted on 7/21/2011. Following email was received as a confirmation. I’m not sure why the status has been changed to not licensed.
Congratulations, asad.gill,

Your license has been formally accepted by our legal department. You can visit https://issues.asterisk.org/jira to check the status of your issues.

Digium, Inc.

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2012-08-28 02:37:17.852-0500

Please reupload the patch.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2012-09-24 09:41:38.981-0500


We didn't see the patch uploaded again. Are you able to upload the path or is there an issue with JIRA?

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2012-10-19 17:04:59.038-0500

Suspending this due to lack of response and patch. Please contact me at rnewton at digium.com or else bring this issue up in #asterisk-bugs on IRC if you want to re-open. Thanks.