
Summary:ASTERISK-18533: sip channel not closed properly
Reporter:Cedric BASSAGET (rico29)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-09-13 09:53:40Date Closed:2011-09-14 08:10:35
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:[root@SRV-IPOP1 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 5.6 (Final) [root@SRV-IPOP1 ~]# uname -a Linux SRV-IPOP1.ipop-telecom.fr 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 07:31:24 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Attachments:( 0) gdb.txt
( 1) gdb.txt
Description:Sometimes a sip channel is not hanged up properly.

Here's what I found in the logs :
[root@SRV-IPOP1 ~]# cat /var/log/asterisk/messages | grep 28748
[Sep 13 15:55:16] VERBOSE[28748] pbx.c: [Sep 13 15:55:16]     -- Executing [999147@centrex:1] PickupChan("SIP/161.oceanet-00000838", "SIP/147.oceanet") in new stack
[Sep 13 15:55:16] ERROR[28748] astobj2.c: user_data is NULL
[Sep 13 15:55:16] ERROR[28748] astobj2.c: user_data is NULL
[Sep 13 15:55:16] WARNING[28748] chan_sip.c: No SIP tech_pvt! Fixup of SIP/161.oceanet-00000838 failed.
[Sep 13 15:55:16] WARNING[28748] channel.c: Fixup failed on channel SIP/161.oceanet-00000838<MASQ>, strange things may happen.
[Sep 13 15:55:16] VERBOSE[28748] pbx.c: [Sep 13 15:55:16]   == Spawn extension (centrex, 999147, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/147.oceanet-00000837<ZOMBIE>'

A "core show channels" show this :
SRV-IPOP1*CLI> core show channels verbose
Channel              Context              Extension        Prio State   Application  Data                      CallerID        Duration Accountcode PeerAccount BridgedTo          
SIP/161.oceanet-0000 centrex              0243502647          1 Up      AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           161             00:53:42                         (None)              
1 active channel
0 active calls
693 calls processed

A "sip show channels" :
SRV-IPOP1*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR         Call ID          Format           Hold     Last Message    Expiry     Peer    (None)           1987076454@10.1  0x0 (nothing)    No       Rx: OPTIONS                <guest>   0973011060       5cd-42c-8132011  0x0 (nothing)    No       Rx: BYE                    0973011060    102.betguesdon   8c9da397e9337c4  0x0 (nothing)    No       Tx: INVITE                 102.betgue    0990000200010    030374df1500c7b  0x0 (nothing)    No                                  <guest>    0990000200009    5af3a2152512ad5  0x0 (nothing)    No                                  <guest>      161.oceanet      9ec5d092f636513  0x4 (ulaw)       No       Rx: BYE                    161.oceane
48 active SIP dialogs

No held locks.

The peer appears "InUse" with a "core show hint" :
SRV-IPOP1*CLI> core show hint 161
                   161@blf_oceanet         : SIP/161.oceanet       State:InUse           Watchers 15
1 hint matching extension 161

I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Best regards,
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-13 11:22:59.405-0500

Thank you for your bug report. In order to move your issue forward, we require a backtrace[1] from the core file produced after the crash. Also, be sure you have DONT_OPTIMIZE enabled in menuselect within the Compiler Flags section, then:

make install

After enabling, reproduce the crash, and then execute the backtrace[1] instructions. When complete, attach that file to this issue report.

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace

I think a backtrace from the running process would be quite useful here. If you could provide that it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-14 02:37:27.054-0500

gdb trace attached

command used :

[root@SRV-IPOP1 asterisk-]# gdb `which asterisk` -p `pidof asterisk` -ex 'thread apply all bt' -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -ex detach -ex quit > /tmp/gdb.txt

warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file system-supplied DSO at 0x7fff333ac000
[root@SRV-IPOP1 asterisk-]# wc -l /tmp/gdb.txt
2054 /tmp/gdb.txt

By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-14 02:40:02.626-0500

gdb trace attached

By: David Woolley (davidw) 2011-09-14 06:10:06.484-0500

For a gdb file, you should have answered no to this question "Is this a code or docs contribution".

By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-14 06:36:49.562-0500

Ok sorry for the inconvenience.
Should I redo it ?

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-14 07:58:27.059-0500

You could have just uploaded it again, but don't worry about it as I've now marked it as a non-code contribution.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-14 08:01:46.746-0500

It looks like you're using res_timing_pthread which has known issues. You should stop using it.

Switch to either res_timing_dahdi in Asterisk or earlier, or you should be able to use res_timing_timerfd in Asterisk or later.

By: Gregory Hinton Nietsky (irroot) 2011-09-14 08:09:20.401-0500

Hi there please try the latest or better there is a fix for this in there.

the bellow error with a great degree of certainty is related to a recently fixed issue where pickup would leave orphaned channels as described.

[Sep 13 15:55:16] WARNING[28748] chan_sip.c: No SIP tech_pvt! Fixup of SIP/161.oceanet-00000838 failed.
[Sep 13 15:55:16] WARNING[28748] channel.c: Fixup failed on channel SIP/161.oceanet-00000838<MASQ>, strange things may happen.
[Sep 13 15:55:16] VERBOSE[28748] pbx.c: [Sep 13 15:55:16] == Spawn extension (centrex, 999147, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/147.oceanet-00000837<ZOMBIE>'

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-14 08:10:35.676-0500

I'm going to go ahead and close this as I'm fairly confident these issues have already been resolved.

By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-14 08:18:43.167-0500

Leif, how can I replace res_timing_pthread by res_timing_dahdi ?

both modules are loaded. Should I just unload res_timing_pthread ?

Thanks four your replies !

By: Gregory Hinton Nietsky (irroot) 2011-09-14 13:44:04.242-0500

in modules.conf

noload => res_timing_timerfd.so
noload => res_timing_pthread.so

By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-15 08:42:31.666-0500

I've removed  the re_timing_pthread module, but still have the problem :
SRV-IPOP1*CLI> module show like timing
Module                         Description                              Use Count
res_timing_dahdi.so            DAHDI Timing Interface                   6        
1 modules loaded

[root@SRV-IPOP1 scripts]# cat /var/log/asterisk/messages | grep 16425
[Sep 15 13:48:12] VERBOSE[16425] pbx.c: [Sep 15 13:48:12]     -- Executing [999154@centrex:1] PickupChan("SIP/146.oceanet-00000081", "SIP/154.oceanet") in new stack
[Sep 15 13:48:12] ERROR[16425] astobj2.c: user_data is NULL
[Sep 15 13:48:12] ERROR[16425] astobj2.c: user_data is NULL
[Sep 15 13:48:12] WARNING[16425] chan_sip.c: No SIP tech_pvt! Fixup of SIP/146.oceanet-00000081 failed.
[Sep 15 13:48:12] WARNING[16425] channel.c: Fixup failed on channel SIP/146.oceanet-00000081<MASQ>, strange things may happen.
[Sep 15 13:48:12] VERBOSE[16425] pbx.c: [Sep 15 13:48:12]   == Spawn extension (centrex, 999154, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/154.oceanet-00000080<ZOMBIE>'

SRV-IPOP1*CLI> core show channels verbose
Channel              Context              Extension        Prio State   Application  Data                      CallerID        Duration Accountcode PeerAccount BridgedTo          
SIP/0973011060-00000 centrex              101                 1 Up      Dial         SIP/101.legroux           92              00:04:02                         SIP/101.legroux-0000
SIP/0973011060-00000 incoming_calls                           1 Up      AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           0243838307      00:00:34                         SIP/164.oceanet-0000
SIP/101.legroux-0000 centrex                                  1 Up      AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           101             00:02:30                         SIP/0973011060-00000
SIP/146.oceanet-0000 centrex              0243502654          1 Up      AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           146             01:50:38                         (None)              
SIP/164.oceanet-0000 centrex              0243838307          1 Up      Dial         SIP/0973011060/0243838307 0243502650      00:00:34                         SIP/0973011060-00000
5 active channels
2 active calls
264 calls processed

SRV-IPOP1*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR         Call ID          Format           Hold     Last Message    Expiry     Peer      
...     146.oceanet      6a6094e6df74ec9  0x4 (ulaw)       No       Rx: BYE                    146.oceane

I will attach a gdb trace in a few minutes.


By: Cedric BASSAGET (rico29) 2011-09-15 08:47:04.767-0500

gbd trace #2