
Summary:ASTERISK-18402: Asterisk accepts a re-INVITE to switch from T.38 back to voice, but does not switch back
Reporter:Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-08-31 17:26:00Date Closed:2011-11-08 14:10:49.000-0600
Versions: Frequency of
duplicatesASTERISK-17678 [patch] Image media line with port set to 0 is considered active
is related toASTERISK-18394 T.38 FAX passthrough does not work
Description:In the logs/capture attached to the related issue, a SIP endpoint that had been re-INVITEd into T.38 mode by Asterisk later sent its own re-INVITE to switch back to voice mode. Asterisk accepted the re-INVITE, but responded with a T.38 session in its SDP, instead of a voice (audio) session. Instead, it should have initiated a T.38 negotiation internally to request that its peer (application or channel) disable T.38 mode as well.
Comments:By: Matthew Nicholson (mnicholson) 2011-09-01 09:55:46.569-0500

This may be caused by ASTERISK-17678 which I fixed yesterday.