
Summary:ASTERISK-18350: meetme join causes spontaneous Polycom phone reboot
Reporter:David Brillert (aragon)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-08-26 13:03:25Date Closed:2011-09-21 08:25:28
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:User-Agent: PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550-UA/ 0) debug_4149_meetme_trace_g711_no_reboot.log
( 1) debug_4149_meetme_trace_g722_with_reboot.log
( 2) debug_4149_meetme_trace_no_audiohook_g722_reboot1.log
( 3) polycom_reboot_during_meetme.txt
Description:Extension 4149 dials *800 in dial plan to join meetme conference and immediately after joining bridge Polycom phone reboots.

SIP trace attached
Comments:By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:09:22.848-0500

phone reboot occurs after caller records name and presses 1 to accept when Allison says "thank you".

Strangely reproducible almost 100% of the time.
Only seems to be a problem when using g722 codec.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:11:31.262-0500

Using dahdi timing module

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:16:58.882-0500

And if I enabled debug in logger I get a huge amount of CLI spamming (hundreds or thousands per second) after dialing meetme.

[2011-08-26 12:13:38] DEBUG[2140]: audiohook.c:227 audiohook_read_frame_both: Read factory 0x9411c60 and write factory 0x9412688 both fail to provide 160 samples

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:25:41.668-0500

uploading two logs where same phone is used to cause a Polycom reboot by dialing meetme.
g711u does not cause a reboot but g722 is very easy to reproduce.
Full SIP and debug output in each file.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:26:32.100-0500

Always reboots at end of thank you prompt

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:33:53.256-0500

and the CLI continues to spam audiohook debug even after then phone is reboots.  Until I  restart asterisk.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:35:11.729-0500

disabling audiohook options gets rid of the spam but not the reboot problem.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:39:50.690-0500

new g722 debug trace uploaded without any audiohook options.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:41:11.557-0500

audiohook spam occurs because after the phone reboots Asterisk does not realize the SIP peer has gone away.  This is not related to the bug report regarding the Polycom reboots so can be ignored.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:43:02.795-0500

marshall please delete attachment debug 4149 meetme trace no audiohook g722 reboot.log since it contains confidential IP's.  I will upload a new trace.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-08-26 14:48:07.365-0500

scrubbed trace upload

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2011-08-26 14:56:39.176-0500

Deleted "debug 4149 meetme trace no audiohook g722 reboot.log" per request

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-14 15:33:22.341-0500

Some dialplan that shows what you're doing so I can try to reproduce this would be helpful.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-09-16 07:55:45.782-0500

Hi Leif
Typical conference bridge setup.  To reproduce you must set your codec priority to g722.  The reboot only occurs when the phone negotiates g722.  The reboot occurs exactly when users enters PIN and Allison says "thank you".

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-09-16 08:06:02.448-0500

conf            => 1,12341234

exten           => *800,4,Meetme(1,TMi)

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-09-19 15:23:44.613-0500

I can't reproduce this with my Polycom IP335 using version I looked at your trace and tried to reproduce exactly the same way, and everything works exactly like it should.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-09-19 15:30:03.718-0500

This is remarkably easy to reproduce on customer site but I have had no success reproducing in my lab.
I removed the G722 codec from the customer site and all is working fine with G711.  I don't know how to debug this any further so might as well close this bug report out...

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2011-09-21 08:25:28.508-0500

Cannot reproduce in lab environment.
Unable to debug further at production site.
Nothing in the trace appears to explain what is going on.