
Summary:ASTERISK-18298: (Call Completion / SIP) SUBSCRIBE fails using TLS
Reporter:George Konopacki (georgekonopacki)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-08-19 05:36:31Date Closed:
Versions:1.8.4 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) messages
Description:Using 1.8.4.rc2

When we SUBSCRIBE for call completion, we receive a 404 Not Found. The asterisk server trace reports that the URI we provided in the SUBSCRIBE message cannot be found.

The difference between using TLS and UDP seems to be the URI provided in the180 Ringing (Call-Info section).

sip:xxxxxxx for UDP
sips:xxxxxxx for TLS

I don't think the asterisk server should be adding the extra 's' character. This is the only time we see 'sips' in any trace.

Problem also exists on
Comments:By: George Konopacki (georgekonopacki) 2011-08-19 05:39:12.768-0500

Trace file from asterisk server.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-08-30 14:10:36.560-0500

I'm not really sure so we'll have to check with someone who knows the protocol better, but I'm under the impression sips is correct for "SIP Secure" and isn't invalid.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-08-30 14:58:49.649-0500

After talking with Malcolm a bit, it appears we may have found an edge case we don't handle, although neither of us is familiar enough with this situation to be confident in what we *think* is happening :)  So for now we're going to play it safe and acknowledge this until someone better equipped to triage this comes along. Thanks!