
Summary:ASTERISK-18195: CLI output is limited to 24000 bytes, running 'dialplan reload' in verbose mode
Reporter:xerofun (xerofun)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-07-27 09:28:48Date Closed:2011-07-28 05:00:52
Versions: Frequency of
is the original version of this clone:ASTERISK-18200 CLI output is limited to 24000 bytes, running 'dialplan reload' in verbose mode
Environment:Linux Debian 6.0.2 (Squeeze), both asterisk versions compiled against standard Debian librariesAttachments:( 0) cli-output-broken-dialplan.txt
( 1) extensions.conf
Description:Initially I thought not only the output on the CLI is limited, but also reloading the dialplan cuts off at a certain point.

It seems that only the CLI output is limited to 24000 bytes when hitting 'dialplan reload'.

So I still think this is a (cosmetic) bug, as I really want to see all the output when running in debug mode i.e. 'asterisk -rvvv'. If there's an error in the dialplan in the part that's cut off, I won't see it.

Please use the attached extensions.conf to reproduce this by entering the asterisk shell with 'asterisk -rvvv' and enter 'dialplan reload'. Sometimes it works and outputs the full diaplan, but most times it just cuts off at extension 362 or 363.