
Summary:ASTERISK-18096: While receiving an AMI event:MeetmeLeave, the Uservalue: has non-ascii values
Reporter:Alejandro Orellana (alejandro orellana)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-07-07 07:58:53Date Closed:2011-08-09 09:06:50
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Linux rpm-desktop 2.6.32-30-generic-pae #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 23:01:33 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/LinuxAttachments:
Description:using the AMI interface, and making calls withing an SLA group, we get the  Event: MeetmeLeave  with non-ascii values in one of the fileds (Uservalue).
this call comes from the pstn via a audiocodes gateway. here is parsed one.

as far we undertsnd the AMI is ascii, this  seems some sort garbage coming in the field.

Event: MeetmeLeave
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/AudioCodes-000000c4
Uniqueid: 1309974716.241
Meetme: SLA_Line1
Usernum: 1
Uservalue: \360פ\263
CallerIDNum: 5086832579
CallerIDName: Marlborough MA

and here is the raw data:
4576656e743a2045 7874656e 73696f6e 53746174 75730d0a 50726976 696c6567 653a2063 616c6c2c 616c6c0d0a457874 656e3a20 32303033 5f4c696e 65310d0a 436f6e74 6578743a 20736c61 5f737461 74696f6e5f68696e 74730d0a 48696e74 3a20534c 413a3230 30335f4c 696e6531 0d0a5374 61747573 3a20300d0a0d0a45 76656e74 3a204861 6e677570 0d0a5072 6976696c 6567653a 2063616c 6c2c616c 6c0d0a4368616e6e 656c3a20 5349502f 32303332 2d303030 30303063 610d0a55 6e697175 6569643a 2031333039393734 3731392e 3234380d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e756d 3a203c75 6e6b6e6f 776e3e0d 0a43616c6c657249 444e616d 653a203c 756e6b6e 6f776e3e 0d0a4361 7573653a 2031360d 0a436175 73652d7478743a20 4e6f726d 616c2043 6c656172 696e670d 0a0d0a45 76656e74 3a204578 74656e73 696f6e5374617475 730d0a50 72697669 6c656765 3a206361 6c6c2c61 6c6c0d0a 45787465 6e3a2032 3030355f4c696e65 310d0a43 6f6e7465 78743a20 736c615f 73746174 696f6e5f 68696e74 730d0a48 696e743a20534c41 3a323030 355f4c69 6e65310d 0a537461 7475733a 20300d0a 0d0a

4576 656e743a 20457874656e7369 6f6e5374 61747573 0d0a5072 6976696c 6567653a 2063616c 6c2c616c 6c0d0a45 7874656e3a203230 33305f4c 696e6531 0d0a436f 6e746578 743a2073 6c615f73 74617469 6f6e5f68 696e74730d0a4869 6e743a20 534c413a 32303330 5f4c696e 65310d0a 53746174 75733a20 300d0a0d 0a

4576656e743a20 45787465 6e73696f 6e537461 7475730d 0a507269 76696c65 67653a20 63616c6c 2c616c6c0d0a4578 74656e3a 20323033 315f4c69 6e65310d 0a436f6e 74657874 3a20736c 615f7374 6174696f6e5f6869 6e74730d 0a48696e 743a2053 4c413a32 3033315f 4c696e65 310d0a53 74617475 733a20300d0a0d0a

4576656e743a20457874656e73696f6e 53746174 75730d0a 50726976 696c6567 653a2063616c6c2c 616c6c0d 0a457874 656e3a2032303332 5f4c696e 65310d0a 436f6e74 6578743a 20736c61 5f737461 74696f6e 5f68696e 74730d0a48696e74 3a20534c 413a3230 33325f4c 696e6531 0d0a5374 61747573 3a20300d 0a0d0a

4576656e743a204861 6e677570 0d0a5072 6976696c 6567653a 2063616c 6c2c616c 6c0d0a43 68616e6e 656c3a205349502f 32303331 2d303030 30303063 390d0a55 6e697175 6569643a 20313330 39393734 3731392e3234370d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e756d 3a203c75 6e6b6e6f 776e3e0d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e616d653a203c 756e6b6e 6f776e3e 0d0a4361 7573653a 2031360d 0a436175 73652d74 78743a20 4e6f726d616c2043 6c656172 696e670d 0a0d0a

4576656e74 3a204861 6e677570 0d0a5072 6976696c 6567653a2063616c 6c2c616c 6c0d0a43 68616e6e 656c3a20 5349502f 32303330 2d303030 30303063 380d0a556e697175 6569643a 20313330 39393734 3731392e 3234360d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e756d 3a203c756e6b6e6f 776e3e0d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e616d 653a203c 756e6b6e 6f776e3e 0d0a4361 7573653a 2031360d 0a436175 73652d74 78743a20 4e6f726d 616c2043 6c656172 696e670d 0a0d0a

4576656e74 3a204d65 65746d65 4c656176 650d0a50 72697669 6c656765 3a206361 6c6c2c61 6c6c0d0a 4368616e 6e656c3a 20534950 2f417564 696f436f 6465732d 30303030 30306334 0d0a556e 69717565 69643a20 31333039 39373437 31362e32 34310d0a 4d656574 6d653a20 534c415f 4c696e65 310d0a55 7365726e 756d3a20 310d0a55 73657276 616c7565 3a20f0d7 a4b30d0a 43616c6c 65724944 4e756d3a 20353038 36383332 3537390d 0a43616c 6c657249 444e616d 653a204d 61726c62 6f726f75 6768204d 410d0a44 75726174 696f6e3a 20350d0a 0d0a
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-07-11 14:47:58.387-0500

I'm not sure how you're executing your script, but the data you're passing to the AMI looks like it is outside of ASCII, and thus is being written to the field because of the data you're passing.

It looks to be a programmatic error with the script accessing AMI.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-08-09 09:06:38.755-0500

Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network irc.freenode.net to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested.  Further information can be found at http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines