
Summary:ASTERISK-17934: Asterisk SIP Freezes
Reporter:Andre Luis (andrel)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-05-27 12:07:04Date Closed:2011-06-22 10:21:41
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) backtrace-threads.txt
( 1) core-show-locks.txt
( 2) full
Description:Asterisk SIP freezes while iax2 continue to working just fine.

core show locks and

gdb -ex "thread apply all bt" --batch /usr/sbin/asterisk `pidof asterisk` > /tmp/backtrace-threads.txt



last sip logs

[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8271] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: <sip:8862@>
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8271] chan_sip.c: SIP/8862-00001007: New call is still down.... Trying...
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8271] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8249] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 8862
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8249] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 8862
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8249] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/8862 - state 1 (Not in use)
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8249] devicestate.c: device 'SIP/8862' state '1'
[May 27 11:19:27] DEBUG[8270] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/8862' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Comments:By: Andre Luis (andrel) 2011-05-27 12:13:58

Forgot to mention.

Running Asterisk on Debian 6.0.1a Squeeze 32bit.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-05-27 15:32:35

Please test on Asterisk 1.8 per the maintenance timeline. Asterisk branches prior to 1.8 are no longer receiving maintenance updates; only security updates.


Per the Asterisk maintenance timeline page at http://www.asterisk.org/asterisk-versions maintenance (bug) support for the 1.4 and 1.6.x branches has ended. For continued maintenance support please move to the 1.8 branch which is a long term support (LTS) branch.

For more information about branch support, please see https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2011-06-22 10:21:41.973-0500

Suspending, lack of feedback from reporter.