
Summary:ASTERISK-17648: Asterisk crash when it lost connection to Jabber Server
Reporter:Alex Sinitsyn (xelas)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-04-06 00:47:46Date Closed:2013-01-15 10:23:52.000-0600
Versions:1.8.3 Frequency of
duplicatesASTERISK-18078 [patch] Segfault when publishing device states via XMPP and not connected
is related toASTERISK-21855 Asterisk crashes when XMPP message is sent (JabberSend) and no internet connection is available
Environment:Attachments:( 0) backtrace.txt
Description:When jabber server is rebooting, or if jabber server is not available, Asterisk crashes.
Asterisk use Jabber for distributed device state. After crash and restart, even if jabber server is not available, asterisk work perfect, with reporting what jabber is not connected.


console log:
[2011-04-06 09:27:44] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:1700 aji_act_hook: JABBER: Node Error
[2011-04-06 09:27:44] WARNING[9759]: res_jabber.c:1391 aji_recv: Parsing failure: Hook returned an error.
[2011-04-06 09:27:44] WARNING[9759]: res_jabber.c:2742 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: Got hook event.
[2011-04-06 09:27:44] WARNING[9759]: res_jabber.c:1388 aji_recv: Parsing failure: Invalid XML.
[2011-04-06 09:27:44] WARNING[9759]: res_jabber.c:2753 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: socket read error
[2011-04-06 09:27:48] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3453 aji_handle_pubsub_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2011-04-06 09:27:48] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3453 aji_handle_pubsub_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2011-04-06 09:27:49] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3453 aji_handle_pubsub_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2011-04-06 09:27:49] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3467 aji_handle_pubsub_error: PubSub Server error, 503
[2011-04-06 09:27:49] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3467 aji_handle_pubsub_error: PubSub Server error, 503
[2011-04-06 09:27:49] WARNING[9759]: res_jabber.c:2753 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: socket read error
[2011-04-06 09:27:49] ERROR[9759]: res_jabber.c:3110 aji_initialize: JABBER ERROR: No Connection
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-04-06 08:04:34

You'll need to provide a backtrace per the documentation at https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace

By: Alex Sinitsyn (xelas) 2011-04-06 12:05:59

Backtrace attached

By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2011-11-07 21:05:54.960-0600

This would be a duplicate of ASTERISK-18078; although this issue was opened first... just saw the dates.  There are comments and a work log on that other issue though.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-01-15 10:23:52.269-0600

Closing out as a duplicate of ASTERISK-18078.