
Summary:ASTERISK-17605: Transfer Q.SIG info from either E1/T1 or OOH323 to Asterisk
Reporter:Magnus Benngard (benngard2)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-03-24 12:03:51Date Closed:
Status:In Progress/In ProgressComponents:Addons/New Feature
Versions:1.8.4 Frequency of
Description:Alexandr (may) and I have been looking at the possibility to transfer Q.SIG info to Asterisk. We have been doing some tests and Alexandr thinks it doable.
An example, Phone A and Phone B is "PSTN" phones, C is a SIP phone.
A calls B, B transfer to C, today C cant se that it is a trafered call, but we saw all that informaton in Q.SIG and think we can set CALLERID to A and BLINDTRANSFER to B


I cant help much as a programmer but I can assist as "tester".
Comments:By: Alexander Anikin (may213) 2011-03-27 11:20:42

Subject of this request is to get support some q.sig functions on ooh323 channels. Avaya PBX use q.sig in H.323 to transfer additional info about calls (Call Transfer as one example).
Similar request is in issue ASTERISK-15752.