
Summary:ASTERISK-17484: No moh when call parked
Reporter:Giuseppe Barichello (beppuz)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-02-28 05:45:33.000-0600Date Closed:2011-04-14 10:14:24
Versions:1.4.39 Frequency of
Description:I have the same problem as in issue ASTERISK-1801262. Tried to apply the patch without success (still no moh when call parked).
In the CLI I see normal behaviour, as if moh were started:
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/513-00000175
but the caller doesn't hear anything.

This is preventing me from using call-parking, because callers would not understand what's going on after having talked to the employee...

Tried following versions:
- 1.4.39 not patched
- 1.4.39 patched
- not patched
- patched
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-02-28 13:15:01.000-0600

Please reproduce this with the latest 1.4 branch instead of patching directly as it is impossible for us to know if the patch was applied properly, or any other number of things that could go wrong.

By: Shaun Ruffell (sruffell) 2011-02-28 13:16:49.000-0600

Also, please make run dahdi_test to confirm that the DAHDI kernel modules are providing timing properly.

By: Giuseppe Barichello (beppuz) 2011-02-28 23:38:55.000-0600

asterisk:~# dahdi_test
Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy...
99.997% 99.999% 99.997% 99.997% 99.996% 99.998% 99.997% 99.998%
99.998% 99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.997% 99.997% 99.996% 99.998%
99.997% 99.997% 99.997% 99.996% 99.998% 99.994% 99.999% 99.997%
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99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.997% 99.997% 99.996% 99.995% 100.000%
99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.998% 99.612% 99.994% 99.999% 99.997%
99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.997% 99.997% 99.996% 99.997% 99.999%
99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.996%
99.999% 99.997% 99.997% 99.998% 99.997% 99.997% 99.998% 99.997%
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99.997% 99.996% 99.998% 99.996% 99.998% 99.997% 99.997% 99.998%
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99.997% 99.997% 99.997% 99.994% 99.999% 99.998% 99.997% 99.998%
99.998% 99.997% 99.993% 99.999% 99.997%
--- Results after 125 passes ---
Best: 100.000 -- Worst: 99.612 -- Average: 99.994153, Difference: 99.999548

@lmadsen: what do you mean with "latest 1.4 branch"? I already downloaded and compiled without patching it. Resources/res_features.c in is the same as in 1.4.39... Do you mean I have to use SVN?

By: Giuseppe Barichello (beppuz) 2011-03-01 00:47:09.000-0600

I tried the latest 1.4 svn branch (308813): moh during parked calls is working properly. I must have wrongly applied the patch. Hope there are not side problems, since it's a production system...

Thankyou for help.

By: Ronald Chan (loloski) 2011-03-03 09:01:54.000-0600

Case Closed.... thanks