
Summary:ASTERISK-17210: The response to a CANCEL request does not always comply with RFC3261
Reporter:Jacco van Tuijl (jacco)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-01-06 09:54:21.000-0600Date Closed:
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The response to a CANCEL request when the original request was an INVITE does not always comply with RFC3261.

It sometimes send a 200 OK as the answer to the INVITE instead of responding with a 487 to the INVITE request.

Quote from paragraph 9.2: "If the original request was an INVITE, the UAS
  SHOULD immediately respond to the INVITE with a 487"

this bug is timing/load dependend


189.286944 xxx.123.202.27 -> xxx.34.68.140 SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:436@xxx.34.68.140, with session description
189.289270 xxx.34.68.140 -> xxx.123.202.27 SIP Status: 100 Trying
189.289599 xxx.34.68.140 -> xxx.123.202.27 SIP Status: 180 Ringing
189.289738 xxx.34.68.140 -> xxx.123.202.27 SIP/SDP Status: 200 OK, with session description
189.437552 xxx.123.202.27 -> xxx.34.68.140 SIP Request: CANCEL sip:436@xxx.34.68.140
189.437728 xxx.34.68.140 -> xxx.123.202.27 SIP Status: 200 OK
189.791266 xxx.34.68.140 -> xxx.123.202.27 SIP/SDP Status: 200 OK, with session description
189.850026 xxx.123.202.27 -> xxx.34.68.140 SIP Request: ACK sip:436@xxx.34.68.140:5060

the next dialplan sometimes gives an incorrect result depending on timing and or server load:
exten = _X.,1,ringing()
exten = _X.,n,answer()
exten = _X.,n,wait(3)
exten = _X.,n,hangup()

the next dialplan does give the correct result:
exten = _X.,1,ringing()
exten = _X.,n,wait(1)
exten = _X.,n,answer()
exten = _X.,n,wait(3)
exten = _X.,n,Hangup()
Comments:By: Jacco van Tuijl (jacco) 2011-01-07 03:42:25.000-0600

The client send a CANCEL request as soon as it recieves the 180 RINGING