
Summary:ASTERISK-17102: 1.4.38 does not write external callerID number into SIP From: header
Reporter:David Brillert (aragon)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-12-13 14:16:51.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:32
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) ANIdebug.txt
Description:Outgoing number in CALLERID(all) field is not sent to ITSP
Asterisk 1.4.38


Tested an outgoing call with agi debug and SIP debug enabled and in the CLI output both name and number are set with "[2010-12-01 11:48:51]   -- Executing [s@all-outgoing-checkcid:58] Set("SIP/6010-00000060", "CALLERID(all)="John Smith" <4165552234>") in new stack" flag:
[2010-12-01 11:48:51]   -- Executing [s@all-outgoing-checkcid:58] Set("SIP/6010-00000060", "CALLERID(all)="John Smith" <4165552234>") in new stack

But the number is not sent to ITSP in the From: header
From: "John Smith" <sip:0762*100@sip.itsp.com>;tag=as21a88bd9

Full console output attached
Comments:By: David Woolley (davidw) 2010-12-14 07:53:47.000-0600

You need to provide your sip.conf.  However, this looks like a support issue at the moment.  You may want to investigate RPID.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-12-14 07:56:46.000-0600

context         =  default-incoming-guest
callevents      =  yes
alwaysauthreject =  yes
jbenable        =  no
t38pt_udptl     =  yes
progressinband  =  never
externip        =
localnet        =
localnet        =
localnet        =
localnet        =
bindport        =  5060
bindaddr        =
rtpkeepalive    =  0
limitonpeers    =  yes
notifyringing   =  yes
notifyhold      =  yes
realm           =  asterisk
useragent       =  Asterisk PBX
maxexpirey      =  3600
defaultexpirey  =  120
recordhistory   =  no
autocreatepeers =  no
srvlookup       =  yes
videosupport    =  yes
directrtpsetup  =  no
disallow        =  all
allow           =  ulaw
allow           =  alaw
allow           =  g722
allow           =  g726
allow           =  g723
allow           =  gsm
allow           =  g729
allow           =  slin
allow           =  ilbc
allow           =  lpc10
allow           =  speex
allow           =  adpcm
allow           =  h261
allow           =  h263
allow           =  h263p
allow           =  h264
tos_sip         =  CS0
tos_audio       =  ef
tos_video       =  CS0
pedantic        =  no
allowexternaldomains =  no
allowexternalinvites =  no
autodomain      =  no
relaxdtmf       =  no
trustrpid       =  no
sendrpid        =  yes
promiscredir    =  no
usereqphone     =  yes
compactheaders  =  no
#include "sip-register.conf"
#include "default/sip.conf"
#include "default/sip-extras.conf"
#include "test/sip.conf"
#include "test/sip-extras.conf"
#include "sip-extras.conf"

I don't think this is a support issue since the name and number is correctly set on an external PRI circuit.  The outgoing number only fails on SIP trunk calls.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-12-14 08:02:48.000-0600

type            =  friend
username        =  0762*100
fromuser        =  0762*100
fromdomain      =  sip.itsp.com
secret          =  scrubbed
host            =  sip.itsp.com
dtmfmode        =  auto
rfc2833compensate =  no
nat             =  no
canreinvite     =  no
insecure        =  port,invite
qualify         =  yes
disallow        =  all
allow           =  ulaw
allow           =  gsm
callerid        =  "John Smith" <5555551234>
accountcode     =  0762*100
amaflags        =  default
trustrpid       =  no
sendrpid        =  no
context         =  default-0762*100-incoming

By: David Woolley (davidw) 2010-12-14 08:04:22.000-0600

You've set fromuser.  It is behaving correctly.  This is a support issue.

Drafted before your update:

You need to provide the contents of the includes.

Some SIP trunk providers rely on the From: header to indentify the customer.  Even if yours doesn't, you may have configured as though they did.

Remote Party ID headers were designed to allow caller-ID to be communicated in such circumstances, but they are not enabled by default.

Also, of course, PSTN gateways shouldn't normally trust caller IDs that don't match a number they know for the immediate caller.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-12-14 08:06:09.000-0600


-sendrpid = no
+sendrpid = yes

Does fix the ANI problem
thanks Davidw

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-12-14 08:07:55.000-0600

This can be closed out