
Summary:ASTERISK-16657: SET CALLERPRES() = prohib not working on pri with
Reporter:Joost Kuif (jkuif)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-09-08 03:11:17Date Closed:2010-09-10 09:42:41
Versions:Frequency of

Our pri debugging gives us other statuses as seen at the asterisk application layer. On the receiving telephone the callerid is not hidden. In logging below we set the CALLERPRES()=prohib in the dialplan.

When the PRI is used for dialing out the following is logged:
> Calling Number (len=13) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1)  '30300****' ]

Can anyone give us some feedback on this issue? We already updated to latest available libpri. Behaviour is the same on two machines.


   -- Executing [s@nextnode:6] Macro("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "transfer") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:1] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "macro-transfer") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:2] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbTransfer_phoneNumber               = 003164616****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:3] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbTransfer_ringTime                  = 10") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:4] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbTransfer_presentationNumber_type   = CUSTOM") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:5] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbTransfer_presentationNumber_custom = 30300****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:6] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdBusy                     = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:7] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdNoAnswer                 = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:8] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdUnknownNumber            = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:9] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdNoResources              = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:10] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdErrorFastRepeat          = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:11] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdErrorSlowRepeat          = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:12] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNextNodeIdErrorFatal               = 3") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:13] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbNodeType                           = transfer") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:14] GotoIf("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "0?none") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:15] GotoIf("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "0?callercli") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:16] GotoIf("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "6?custom") in new stack
   -- Goto (macro-transfer,s,32)
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:32] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "custom") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:33] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "inbTransfer_presentationNumber_custom = 30300****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:34] Set("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "CALLERID(num)=30300****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:35] Goto("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "geheim") in new stack
   -- Goto (macro-transfer,s,25)
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:25] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "geheim") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:26] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "voor de SET CALLERPRES() = allowed_not_screened") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:27] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "CALLINGPRES = 0") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:28] Set("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "CALLERPRES()=prohib") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:29] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "na de SET CALLERPRES() = prohib") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:30] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "CALLINGPRES is nu = 35") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:31] Goto("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "dial") in new stack
   -- Goto (macro-transfer,s,36)
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:36] NoOp("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "dial") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-transfer:37] Dial("SIP/joostkuif-00000014", "DAHDI/g1/003164616****,10") in new stack
-- Making new call for cref 32803
   -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=45
> TEI=0 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 35/0x23) (Sent from originator)
> Message Type: SETUP (5)
> [04 03 80 90 a3]
> Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: Speech (0)
>                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode (16)
>                                User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
> [18 03 a1 83 81]
> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  Other(PRI)  Spare: 0  Preferred  Dchan: 0
>                       ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 1 Type: CPE]
> [6c 0b 21 81 33 30 33 30 30 3* 3* 3* 3*]
> Calling Number (len=13) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1)  '30300****' ]
> [70 0e 80 30 30 33 31 36 34 36 31 36 3* 3* 3* 3*]
> Called Number (len=16) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)  '003164616****' ]
> [a1]
> Sending Complete (len= 1)
q931.c:4877 q931_setup: Call 32803 enters state 1 (Call Initiated).  Hold state: Idle
   -- Called g1/003164616****
< Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
< TEI=0 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 35/0x23) (Sent to originator)
< Message Type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
< [18 03 a9 83 81]
< Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  Other(PRI)  Spare: 0  Exclusive  Dchan: 0
<                       ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
<                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
<                       Ext: 1  Channel: 1 Type: CPE]
Received message for call 0x6b0f420 on 0x2aaaac07fd20 TEI/SAPI 0/0, call->pri is 0x2aaaac07fd20 TEI/SAPI 0/0
-- Processing IE 24 (cs0, Channel Identification)
q931.c:6916 post_handle_q931_message: Call 32803 enters state 3 (Outgoing Call Proceeding).  Hold state: Idle
   -- DAHDI/1-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/joostkuif-00000014
< Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
< TEI=0 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 35/0x23) (Sent to originator)
< Message Type: ALERTING (1)
< [1e 02 84 88]
< Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 0  Location: Public network serving the remote user (4)
<                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) ]
Received message for call 0x6b0f420 on 0x2aaaac07fd20 TEI/SAPI 0/0, call->pri is 0x2aaaac07fd20 TEI/SAPI 0/0
-- Processing IE 30 (cs0, Progress Indicator)
q931.c:6806 post_handle_q931_message: Call 32803 enters state 4 (Call Delivered).  Hold state: Idle
   -- DAHDI/1-1 is ringing


hardware: Digium TE420
Comments:By: Joost Kuif (jkuif) 2010-09-08 03:32:36

We also did a test with asterisk and experienced the same behaviour.

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2010-09-08 10:08:27

You need to set usecallingpres=yes in the chan_dahdi.conf file.  Otherwise, the presentation is allowed.

By: Joost Kuif (jkuif) 2010-09-09 02:33:05


Thanks for your feedback, but this was already configured:

Our /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf:
; DAHDI Telephony Configuration file


channel => 1-15,17-31


By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2010-09-09 09:57:02

Actually it is not set on your channels.  You are creating the channels with the "channel => 1-15,17-31" line before setting the usecallingpres parameter.  That parameter is not set on the created channels.  The chan_dahdi.conf configuration is cumulative.

By: Joost Kuif (jkuif) 2010-09-10 01:19:35

Hello rmudgett,

Thanks a lot for your help! it works now.


By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2010-09-10 09:42:41

Was a configuration issue.