
Summary:ASTERISK-16302: Asterisk crashes after redirect
Reporter:drasha (drasha)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-06-30 02:03:34Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:21
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) asterisk2phone1.pcap
( 1) asterisk2phone2.pcap
( 2) external2asterisk.pcap
( 3) full-log.zip
( 4) stack
Description:A phone 'A' is registered to Asterisk
A phone 'B' is outside Asterisk, calling via trunk between Asterisk and Avaya Gateway
The phone 'A' is set to redirect all calls to phone 'C' that is also registered to Asterisk.

A situation before crash:

1) B calls A
2) A redirects to C
3) B and C are connected
4) Call is normally terminated
... crash occurs here ...
Comments:By: drasha (drasha) 2010-06-30 02:08:39

Ok, I have added captured communication between asterisk and those phones (pcap files), stack dump in time of crash and the most complete log I could have found (I must have compressed it, it has some 2,5M)
Hope it will be of any use

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-30 08:08:11

We need a backtrace, also no need to .zip your debug logs.

Thank you for your bug report. In order to move your issue forward, we require a backtrace from the core file produced after the crash. Please see the doc/backtrace.txt file in your Asterisk source directory.

Also, be sure you have DONT_OPTIMIZE enabled in menuselect within the Compiler Flags section, then:

make install

after enabling, reproduce the crash, and then execute the instructions in doc/backtrace.txt.

When complete, attach that file to this issue report. Thanks!

By: Ramon Peek-Fares (ramonpeek) 2010-06-30 08:09:41

Seems to be related to ASTERISK-16118 ?

By: drasha (drasha) 2010-06-30 09:15:46

Hi pabelanger,
my bad. I have submitted wrongly named file. Anyway, the backtrace is there in the file named 'stack'.
Regarding the log file - as I have written, I had to. There is a restriction for me to upload only files smaller than 2MB.

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-30 12:52:30

Possible: Are you able to try the patch from ASTERISK-16118?

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-07-09 13:45:17

Waiting on Feedback from the reporter.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-07-09 13:45:52

Please test on the latest code for the 1.6.2 branch to see if this has already been resolved. Russell feels this looks like something else that has already been fixed.

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-07-19 10:24:59

Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network irc.freenode.net to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested.

Further information can be found at http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines

By: Sean Bright (seanbright) 2010-07-19 10:34:25

<drasha> Hi, I would like to ask you to reopen bug ASTERISK-16302. It was closed because of lack of response. It was really hectic out here and had to be tested on a production server, that is why it took so long.

By: drasha (drasha) 2010-07-19 10:43:30

Once again, sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, supplied patch did not fix the issue. I am attaching a log from valgrind showing writes into already freed memory.

==4417== Invalid write of size 4
==4417==    at 0x4EE73C: ast_bt_get_addresses (logger.c:1200)
==4417==    by 0x44D98E: __ast_pthread_mutex_lock (lock.h:506)
==4417==    by 0x44FA72: audio_audiohook_write_list (audiohook.c:672)
==4417==    by 0x44FD83: ast_audiohook_write_list (audiohook.c:737)
==4417==    by 0x474FB2: __ast_read (channel.c:3074)
==4417==    by 0x4756C9: ast_read (channel.c:3163)
==4417==    by 0x47CC03: ast_generic_bridge (channel.c:5043)
==4417==    by 0x47EF3C: ast_channel_bridge (channel.c:5447)
==4417==    by 0x4BE681: ast_bridge_call (features.c:2605)
==4417==    by 0xA2B9D55: dial_exec_full (app_dial.c:2260)
==4417==    by 0xA2BA713: dial_exec (app_dial.c:2344)
==4417==    by 0x5053DD: pbx_exec (pbx.c:1348)
==4417==  Address 0x2ce1c810 is 544 bytes inside a block of size 8,400
==4417==    at 0x4C2130F: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:323)
==4417==    by 0x12CB4D24: destroy_callback (func_volume.c:71)
==4417==    by 0x4955EF: ast_datastore_free (datastore.c:64)
==4417==    by 0x46F6C8: ast_channel_free (channel.c:1479)
==4417==    by 0x47129A: ast_hangup (channel.c:1854)
==4417==    by 0x513697: __ast_pbx_run (pbx.c:4470)
==4417==    by 0x5139D0: pbx_thread (pbx.c:4562)
==4417==    by 0x57D1D8: dummy_start (utils.c:968)
==4417==    by 0x5CCBFC6: start_thread (in /lib/libpthread-2.7.so)
==4417==    by 0x54E15AC: clone (in /lib/libc-2.7.so)

Do you have any suggestion?

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-08-16 15:48:13

Did you try the latest 1.6.2 code from subversion? Russell thinks this may have already been addressed, so you should try and report against the latest 1.6.2 subversion branch.

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-09-04 14:32:43

Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network irc.freenode.net to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested.

Further information can be found at http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines