
Summary:ASTERISK-16243: Channel h323 does not load
Reporter:Private Name (falves11)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-06-15 10:41:06Date Closed:2010-06-15 14:34:05
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) config.log
Description:Jun 15 11:37:12] WARNING[27495] loader.c: Error loading module 'chan_h323.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_h323.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK7PObject7CompareERKS_
[Jun 15 11:37:12] WARNING[27495] loader.c: Module 'chan_h323.so' could not be loaded.


Jun 15 11:37:12] WARNING[27495] loader.c: Error loading module 'chan_h323.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_h323.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK7PObject7CompareERKS_
[Jun 15 11:37:12] WARNING[27495] loader.c: Module 'chan_h323.so' could not be loaded.
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-06-15 12:03:35

How can I reproduce this error? What distro are you using? What packages have you installed to satisfy the dependency?

By: Private Name (falves11) 2010-06-15 12:11:34

if it compiles, it means the "make menuselect" is accepting the dependencies. However, I have pwlib and openh323, and I can go into both directories and type "make opt", and it compiles fine.
I also have the path in my /etc/profile. Actually, if I change the version and go back to 1.4, it does work.
I just erased the file and recompiled it, and it did in fact get regenerated.
File: `/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_h323.so'
 Size: 929144     Blocks: 1824       IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 10928135    Links: 1
Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2010-06-15 13:09:15.000000000 -0400
Modify: 2010-06-15 13:09:15.000000000 -0400
Change: 2010-06-15 13:09:15.000000000 -0400

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-06-15 12:15:00

You barely answered any of my questions.

* what distro are you using
* what dependencies do you have installed
* how do I reproduce this locally?

Also please provide the config.log file.

By: Private Name (falves11) 2010-06-15 12:35:33

I use Centos 5.4, the dependencies are pwlib and openh323.
I am uploading config.log
I can give you access to my box and I can also upload the binary produced, chan_h323.so
The binary gets produced, but it fails to load because of the error above, so it seems the code is at fault.

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-15 13:59:04

You are missing h323.h did you install the -dev packages?

configure:23728: checking h323.h usability
configure:23728: gcc -c -g -O2  conftest.c >&5
conftest.c:281:18: error: h323.h: No such file or directory

By: Private Name (falves11) 2010-06-15 14:21:29

The file is there in /usr/src/openh323/include
My profile has:
export OPENH323DIR

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-15 14:34:05

Follow along with issue ASTERISK-1692162