
Summary:ASTERISK-16181: [patch] transfer from queue problem (loopbug)
Reporter:ddkprog (ddkprog)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-06-01 05:48:19Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:04
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) chan_dahdi.c.breakloop.diff
( 1) zaplock.log
Description:I am getting this bug using a channel bank

>I get is a warning from chan_zap.c like this:
>Aug 8 06:51:46 WARNING[6602] chan_zap.c: We're Zap/12-1, not .....
>It goes into an endless loop like that till it fills up the partition

yes its bug
the patch fixes this issue
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-06-03 10:58:22

A few things are required in order to move this issue forward:

* Version clarification: you state that you're using chan_dahdi, but your output clearly shows Zap and chan_zap.c, which has not existed for quite some time. Please verify this is an issue with chan_dahdi.

* Debugging information: we need to know what lead up to this happening along with some debugging information which shows the type of scenario that caused this. We need to be able to reproduce it in order to move this forward.

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-06-05 01:04:44

version does not have a value
bug is present in all versions of chan_zap.c/chan_dahdi.c
this patch fixit version svn trunk chan_dadi.c
I can not provide debug and configuration because I have not access to equipment

patch correctly terminates incorrectly formation 3 way transfer
without this patch, Asterisk goes into an infinite loop
blocking the work of all channel at chan_dahdi.c/chan_zap.c

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-06-07 02:53:14

note> 0017434: [patch] transfer from queue problem (loopbug)
its not a problem of queue, this problem the 3-way transfer

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-18 10:05:29

We require a complete debug log to help triage the issue.

This document will provide instructions on how to collect debugging logs from an Asterisk machine for the purpose of helping bug marshals troubleshoot an issue:


By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-06-23 11:57:12

As stated by pabelanger, we need additional information here. We require debugging information along with the call scenario that leads up to this problem.

We *must* be able to reproduce this issue.

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-06-23 13:16:03

As I said earlier (It seems you do not read what I write)

>I can not provide debug and configuration because I have not access to equipment

you may closed issue if your need debug info, becouse i can't provide it.
create relation with it
if will have any issue about "chan_zap.c: We're Zap/12-1, not ....." or "chan_dahdi.c: We're DAHDI/12-1, not ....."

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-06-23 13:59:03

Suspending issue due to lack of information provided by reporter.  Feel free to contact a bug marshal and reopen the issue once you have collected the information.

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-08-06 15:23:34

i am find and attach some my old verbose debug for this issue (for old ZAP channel)
may its some help

Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>
Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>
Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>
Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>
Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>
Mar 17 22:00:12 WARNING[971]: chan_zap.c:3993 __zt_exception:  We're Zap/3-1, not Zap/3-2<ZOMBIE>

full log in attach
and with my patch, all ok
have no any exeption with same log

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-08-06 15:57:52

seems the same bug https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=10829
but another channel the <ZOMBIE>, not "null"

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-08-11 10:27:01

There is no chan_zap anymore (and hasn't been for years). Please reproduce this against chan_dahdi and submit a patch against that channel driver. Thanks!

By: ddkprog (ddkprog) 2010-08-12 06:41:06

yes, i can reproduce it on chan_dahdi too, but have not access (any more)to PC-machine
where is the log file, sorry

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-08-12 14:34:08

I'm closing this until we can see the logs from DAHDI. When you are able to reproduce this on DAHDI and can provide the logging showing it then please reopen this issue, but until that time there is nothing we can do to move this issue forward.