
Summary:ASTERISK-16102: ENUMLOOKUP not returning queried for entry
Reporter:Maxim Samo (maxim)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-05-14 16:11:53Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:25
Versions:Frequency of
Description:if a Number has multiple ENUM entries ENUMQUERY only returns one entry despite setting the POS option


Using Numer +437200101012 to test in the dialplan I go through multiple queries in the form of:


on the CLI:

 == ast_get_enum(num='+437200101012', tech='ALL', suffix='e164.arpa', options='', record=1
 == ENUM options(): pos=1, options='0'
 == ast_get_enum() profiling: FAIL,, 1 ms
   -- Executing [s@macro-enum-call:12] Set("SIP/maxim-00000005", "ENUM=http://q.nemox.net/") in new stack


 == ast_get_enum(num='+437200101012', tech='ALL', suffix='e164.arpa', options='', record=2
 == ENUM options(): pos=2, options='0'
 == ast_get_enum() profiling: FAIL,, 1 ms
   -- Executing [s@macro-enum-call:12] Set("SIP/maxim-00000005", "ENUM=http://q.nemox.net/") in new stack

 == ast_get_enum(num='+437200101012', tech='ALL', suffix='e164.arpa', options='', record=3
 == ENUM options(): pos=3, options='0'
 == ast_get_enum() profiling: FAIL,, 1 ms
   -- Executing [s@macro-enum-call:12] Set("SIP/maxim-00000005", "ENUM=http://q.nemox.net/") in new stack

so despite "pos" counting up I always get the same enum entry back.
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-05-17 13:22:05

Also a work around for now might be using ENUMQUERY() and ENUMRESULT() to parse through multiple returned items.

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2010-05-18 14:38:02

Also: wierdness that might warrant more looking is that the same NAPTR is coming back for all three records.  The DNS should randomize these, so I expect that Asterisk is somehow weighting the E2U+web:http result artificially somehow.

By: Maxim Samo (maxim) 2010-05-18 14:44:24

Thanks. The workaround with ENUMQUERY and ENUMRESULT works fine so setting this to minor is only appropriate.

By: snuffy (snuffy) 2010-07-01 02:49:04

Hello Maxim,

I tested the latest trunk code of asterisk, ENUMLOOKUP was working correctly.

Could you please verify that you do not see the error yourself in trunk?

I have also tested the latest 1.6.2 svn and do not see the problem

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-07-19 10:29:39

Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network irc.freenode.net to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested.

Further information can be found at http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines