
Summary:ASTERISK-15397: Local channel not terminated (regression)
Reporter:Atis Lezdins (atis)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-01-05 08:41:32.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:51
Versions:Frequency of
Description:With patch from ASTERISK-14558 applied, Local channel from Queue is not terminated, and Queue won't call next member.

It seems that not all frames should be dropped silently.


Last lines from Queue call using Local channel.

[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9642] DEBUG[12221] pbx.c: Launching 'Hangup'
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9643] VERBOSE[12221] pbx.c:     -- Executing [s@hangup_ok:1] Hangup("Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2", "") in new stack
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9643] DEBUG[12221] pbx.c: Spawn extension (hangup_ok,s,1) exited non-zero on 'Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2'
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9643] VERBOSE[12221] pbx.c:   == Spawn extension (hangup_ok, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2'
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9643] DEBUG[12221] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2'
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9644] DEBUG[12221] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2'
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9645] DEBUG[12221] cdr_addon_mysql.c: Inserting a CDR record.
[2010-01-05 16:36:30.9645] DEBUG[12221] cdr_addon_mysql.c: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr_post_old (start,answer,end,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid,userfield,e_call_id,e_call_num) VALUES ('2010-01-05 16:36:15','2010-01-05 16:36:15','2010-01-05 16:36:30','\"ITN Economy Sales-----22901-----112233\" <112233>','112233','s','hangup_ok','Local/22277@default_queue-cfaf;2','SIP/22277-00000001','Hangup','15','0','NO ANSWER','3','1262702171.0','1262702175.2','#call_id=1262702171.0-4#agent=22277#t_id=34415#t_wg=1#t_dpt=1#s_type=external#s_num=112233#s_ext=8006772943#s_ext_id=70#s_wg=#s_dpt=1','1262702171.0','4')
Comments:By: Atis Lezdins (atis) 2010-01-05 09:33:35.000-0600

Ok, apparently this is fixed in r237318 by Tilghman.

I was about to add check for f->frametype==AST_FRAME_CONTROL which would also fix it.

I also tried terminating channel by letting it fall through, and it seems to work.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-01-05 09:56:28.000-0600

Hi Atis,

I had problems too after patching a production server with r236981.
I could not hear any audio after agent answered caller from queue using local channels /n.
After testing SVN 237318 I had no more issues either.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2010-01-05 10:04:47.000-0600

I'm pretty sure the additional fix checking for nonblank ->appl should fix this situation, but I'll be happy to leave this open while you test the latest SVN.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2010-01-05 10:06:17.000-0600

tilghman: I have no more issues with the latest SVN, so my feedback is not required.  I just thought I would put in my 2 cents.

By: Atis Lezdins (atis) 2010-01-13 11:44:25.000-0600

It's working fine