
Summary:ASTERISK-15255: SendFax sessions not correctly reported
Reporter:uros gaber (urosh)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-12-02 04:53:39.000-0600Date Closed:2009-12-03 06:47:36.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) test.tiff
I am using free fax for asterisk:
CLI> fax show version
Fax For Asterisk Components:
Applications: 1.6.1_1.0.14
Digium Fax T.38 Driver: 1.6.1_1.0.11 (optimized for i686_32)
Digium Fax G.711 Driver: 1.6.1_1.0.11 (optimized for i686_32)
fax show stats says I am using 1 session:
Fax Statistics:
Current Sessions     : 1
Transmit Attempts    : 3
Receive Attempts     : 0
Completed Faxes      : 1
Failed Faxes         : 3

Digium T.38        
Licensed Channels    : 1
Max Concurrent       : 0
Success              : 0
Canceled             : 0
No Fax               : 0
Partial              : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0

Digium G.711        
Licensed Channels    : 1
Max Concurrent       : 1
Success              : 0
Switched to T.38     : 0
Canceled             : 0
No Fax               : 0
Partial              : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0
but fax show sessions says:
Current Fax Sessions:

Channel              FaxID      Type       Operation  State           File                          

0 fax sessions
So when I try to send fax it fails with error:
-- Channel 'SIP/33866-08f59e60' sending fax 'test.tiff'
[2009-12-02 11:39:57] WARNING[2919]: res_fax_digium.c:1002 dgm_fax_new: Cannot create fax session - session limit exceeded (max: 1).
Comments:By: uros gaber (urosh) 2009-12-02 06:02:05.000-0600

Tried with it is the same problem.
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:1] ResetCDR("SIP/33866-0000000e", "w") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:2] Set("SIP/33866-0000000e", "FAXOPT(headerinfo)=012425020") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:3] Set("SIP/33866-0000000e", "FAXOPT(localstationid)=012425020") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:4] Set("SIP/33866-0000000e", "FAXOPT(ecm)=yes") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:5] Answer("SIP/33866-0000000e", "") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:6] Wait("SIP/33866-0000000e", "2") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:7] SendFAX("SIP/33866-0000000e", "test.tiff") in new stack
   -- Channel 'SIP/33866-0000000e' sending fax 'test.tiff'
[2009-12-02 12:48:18] ERROR[19163]: res_fax_digium.c:1768 dgm_fax_start: fax handle: 0 failed to queue document 'test.tiff'
[2009-12-02 12:48:18] ERROR[19163]: res_fax.c:790 generic_fax_exec: channel 'SIP/33866-0000000e' fax session '0' failure, reason: 'failed to start fax session'
   -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/33866-0000000e' status is 'UNKNOWN'
After second try:
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:2] Set("SIP/33866-00000011", "FAXOPT(headerinfo)=012425020") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:3] Set("SIP/33866-00000011", "FAXOPT(localstationid)=012425020") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:4] Set("SIP/33866-00000011", "FAXOPT(ecm)=yes") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:5] Answer("SIP/33866-00000011", "") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:6] Wait("SIP/33866-00000011", "2") in new stack
   -- Executing [0000@send_fax:7] SendFAX("SIP/33866-00000011", "test.tiff") in new stack
   -- Channel 'SIP/33866-00000011' sending fax 'test.tiff'
[2009-12-02 12:49:28] WARNING[19182]: res_fax_digium.c:1002 dgm_fax_new: Cannot create fax session - session limit exceeded (max: 1).
[2009-12-02 12:49:28] ERROR[19182]: res_fax.c:580 fax_session_new: Fax session failed to initialize.
[2009-12-02 12:49:28] ERROR[19182]: res_fax.c:751 generic_fax_exec: Can't create a fax session, fax attempt failed.
   -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/33866-00000011' status is 'UNKNOWN'

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2009-12-03 06:47:35.000-0600

You are not using app_fax, you are using Fax For Asterisk. Questions about commercial addons for Asterisk need to be sent to the manufacturer of the addon; in this case, you should contact Digium technical support.