
Summary:ASTERISK-14837: [patch] Document to describe workflow of Asterisk open source issue tracker
Reporter:Leif Madsen (lmadsen)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-09-15 11:23:30Date Closed:2010-04-13 14:10:26
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) mantisworkflow.h
Description:The attached file is a doxygen file that describes the Asterisk open source issue tracker (mantis) issue workflow.


Here is the non-doxygenified version for review:

Mantis Workflow

The purpose of this document is to briefly describe the various statuses an
issue can be placed in, and what that status means. In addition, the simple
workflow and transition between statuses will be discussed.

Status Definitions

* New
       The 'New' status is where all bugs start. This is an issue which has not
       received a review by a bug marshal to move it to an appropriate next
       status. Steps required to move to the next logical step include:

       * checking Category and Severity are set correctly
       * verifying the issue does not look like a support issue (if so, note
         the reporter should use the appropriate support channels, and change
         status to Closed)
       * determine that enough debugging information has been provided so that
         a developer can move the issue forward (e.g. on SIP issues, that the
         standard SIP debug and history, console output, and configuration
         file information has been provided, or in the case of a crash issue,
         that a proper backtrace has been provided)

       If the necessary information has not been collected, then the issue
       should be moved to Feedback status, and the missing information be
       requested by the reporter*.

       When all required information has been collected, the issue can be moved
       to the Acknowledged status.

       (* issues which remain in the Feedback status for more than 2 weeks
          without feedback from the reporter should be marked as

* Acknowledged

       The 'Acknowledged' status is the first step to issue resolution. It is
       an issue that has been filed correctly, the categorization and severity
       have been set, and that initial debugging information has been

       A developer may then review the issue tracker for Acknowledged issues
       and to determine whether additional information is necessary (i.e. that
       a crash issue with backtrace requires valgrind output, or other
       non-standard debugging feedback).

       Issues may be moved to the next step in the workflow when the developer
       has either determined the issue is Confirmed, requires additional
       Feedback, is an issue that has already been resolved (or does not need
       to be resolved), in which case it should be Closed.

* Confirmed

       The 'Confirmed' status represents issues which have been verified as
       existing in the current branch(es), and has all necessary information to
       be accepted into Acknowledged status. The general qualifier for an issue
       being moved to Confirmed is more than one community member stating the
       issue exists.

       Confirmed issues may also contain patches created by developers which
       need to be applied in order to gain further knowledge or debugging by
       the original reporter, or any other community member who has verified
       this issue as existing. The developer will then move the issue to
       Feedback status while waiting for information from the reporter(s).

       Issues with patches that are candidates for inclusion into the various
       branches that should resolve the issue are to be moved to the
       Ready for Testing status.

* Ready for Testing

       'Ready for Testing' indicates issues which have patches available for
       testing by community members or the original reporter which should
       resolve the reported issue.

       If the patch does not resolve the issue, then it should be placed back
       into Confirmed status until an additional patch can be created for

       If the patch resolves the issue, then it should be moved to the Ready
       for Review status.

* Ready for Review

       When an issue has a patch that has been tested by a community member and
       which resolves the originally reported issue, should then be moved to
       the Ready for Review status. Issues marked as Ready for Review should
       then either be reviewed by another developer prior to merging (if it is
       a non-invasive fix), or the patch should be placed on Reviewboard if it
       is a complicated or invasive fix.

       If an issue has a reviewboard link, it should be placed in the
       Additional Information section of an issue, and the marker [review]
       prefixed to the issue title.

* Resolved

       The Resolved status is rarely used directly by manual intervention, but
       rather is utilized by svnbot and other automated methods prior to an
       issue being closed.

* Feedback

       Feedback is used when an issue is awaiting information from the original
       reporter, or other active members of the community in the issue. Issues
       which remain in the feedback state longer than 2 weeks without feedback
       from any active participants, and which cannot be moved without, are to
       be Closed and marked as suspended.

* License Required

       License Required is used when a patch has been attached to an issue, but
       which is currently in the License Pending state, or has been rejected
       and is awaiting the reporter to resign the license.

* Assigned

       Issues marked as Assigned are the responsibility of the assigned
       developer, typically because they contain some sort of special knowledge
       required to resolve the issue, or because they have decided to take
       responsibility for moving the issue to resolution.

* Closed

       Issues which have a resolution are marked as Closed. There are several
       resolutions that a Closed issue can contain, such as Fixed, Won't Fix,
       Duplicate, or Suspended. Issues that have been Closed manually should
       have an appropriate resolution set such as Suspended or Won't Fix, along
       with a note indicating why the issue was Closed.

       If the issue is being closed due to a lack of feedback, the resolution
       should be Suspended, and a note indicating the issue was closed due to
       a lack of feedback, and that it will be reopened upon request if the
       reporter can provide the necessary information to move the issue forward

Typical Workflow

The typical workflow of an issue is as follows:


New --> Feedback(*) --> Acknowledged --> Confirmed --> Ready for Testing
 --> Ready for Review --> Closed (commited, closed by svnbot)

(*)Optional status used when not enough information provided to move to


* Issue is filed by a community member. All issues will start in the status New.

* An issue marshal then performs triage on New issues and determined if they are
 valid issues (non-support), have been correctly categorized, have the
 necessary debugging information, etc...

 --> Issues without the necessary information are moved to Feedback
 --> Issues that are support, or feature requests without patches, are Closed
 --> Issues that have all the necessary debugging information to move forward
     are Acknowledged

* After an issue has been moved to the Acknowledged state, then a developer will
 review to determine if the issue exists, and if so, to move it to the
 Confirmed state. If additional information is required, the issue may be moved
 to Feedback state.

* An issue reaches the Confirmed state when the issue has been verified to
 exist. Issues that are Confirmed may also contain patches that provide
 additional debugging information.

* Issues that have patches that require testing and feedback from the community
 are then placed in the Ready for Testing status.

* Once a patch has been tested and confirmed to resolve the issue, we change the
 status to Ready for Review.

* An issue that is Ready for Review needs to be looked over by a developer, or
 placed on Reviewboard (for larger patches) prior to being commited. Issues
 that are in Ready for Review are typically ready, or nearly ready to be

* Once an issue has been commited, svnbot will then Close the issue if the
 correct keywords are used in the commit message (see Guidelines for Commit
Comments:By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-09-23 12:49:01

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 219895

A   trunk/include/asterisk/doxygen/mantisworkflow.h
U   trunk/include/asterisk/doxyref.h

r219895 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:49:00 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 13 lines

Add Mantis work flow documention.

This commit adds the doxygen changes that I've made to describe the Mantis
work flow documentation for the open source issue tracker. This should make
it easier to determine the flow of issues through the issue tracker, and what
those statuses mean.

(closes issue ASTERISK-14837)
Reported by: lmadsen
     mantisworkflow.h uploaded by lmadsen (license 10)

Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/367/


By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-09-23 12:50:05

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 219897

_U  branches/1.6.0/

r219897 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:50:05 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 20 lines

Blocked revisions 219895 via svnmerge

 r219895 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:46:46 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 13 lines
 Add Mantis work flow documention.
 This commit adds the doxygen changes that I've made to describe the Mantis
 work flow documentation for the open source issue tracker. This should make
 it easier to determine the flow of issues through the issue tracker, and what
 those statuses mean.
 (closes issue ASTERISK-14837)
 Reported by: lmadsen
       mantisworkflow.h uploaded by lmadsen (license 10)
 Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/367/



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-09-23 12:50:21

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 219898

_U  branches/1.6.1/

r219898 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:50:21 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 20 lines

Blocked revisions 219895 via svnmerge

 r219895 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:46:46 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 13 lines
 Add Mantis work flow documention.
 This commit adds the doxygen changes that I've made to describe the Mantis
 work flow documentation for the open source issue tracker. This should make
 it easier to determine the flow of issues through the issue tracker, and what
 those statuses mean.
 (closes issue ASTERISK-14837)
 Reported by: lmadsen
       mantisworkflow.h uploaded by lmadsen (license 10)
 Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/367/



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-09-23 12:50:32

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 219899

_U  branches/1.6.2/

r219899 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:50:32 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 20 lines

Blocked revisions 219895 via svnmerge

 r219895 | lmadsen | 2009-09-23 12:46:46 -0500 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009) | 13 lines
 Add Mantis work flow documention.
 This commit adds the doxygen changes that I've made to describe the Mantis
 work flow documentation for the open source issue tracker. This should make
 it easier to determine the flow of issues through the issue tracker, and what
 those statuses mean.
 (closes issue ASTERISK-14837)
 Reported by: lmadsen
       mantisworkflow.h uploaded by lmadsen (license 10)
 Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/367/

