
Summary:ASTERISK-14405: [patch] asterisk crashes in voicemail
Reporter:Christophe PEREZ (novazur)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-06-30 18:30:49Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:18
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) 20090706_r199633-199859.diff
( 1) asterisk_uses.txt
( 2) dmesg.txt
( 3) emerge_info.txt
( 4) gdb_bt_full.txt
( 5) gdb_bt.txt
( 6) logs.txt
Description:I've first reported to freepbx, but I think the problem is more with asterisk.
On my gentoo (x86_64), with fresh install asterisk and freepbx just updated, no module added, each time I try to put a message in a voicemail, I have asterisk crashing
Comments:By: Christophe PEREZ (novazur) 2009-06-30 18:34:18

crash.txt is what I found in my dmesg, but I'm not sure it at the same moment.

By: Christophe PEREZ (novazur) 2009-07-06 15:42:39

I always have the problem, and can't find why.
I attach gdb bt and gdb full bt of the crash.
I want to add that :
1) english is not my language, sorry.

2) before installing freepbx, I don't have the problem with sample config like :
14:39:28 root@serveur2 /etc/asterisk # cat sip.conf
14:39:30 root@serveur2 /etc/asterisk # cat extensions.conf
exten => 1001,1,Verbose(1,Extension 1001)
exten => 1001,n,Dial(SIP/1001,5)
exten => 1001,n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?busy:unavail)
exten => 1001,n(unavail),Voicemail(1001@default,u)
exten => 1001,n,Hangup()
exten => 1001,n(busy),VoiceMail(1001@default,b)
exten => 1001,n,Hangup()

3) here is what I get when starting asterisk with freepbx script start_asterisk and asterisk crashes :
   -- <SIP/200-022ca6f8> Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en')
   -- <SIP/200-022ca6f8> Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en')
serveur2*CLI> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 146: 19778 Erreur de segmentation  (core dumped) nice -n $PRIORITY ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} > /dev/${TTY} 2>&1 < /dev/${TTY}
Asterisk ended with exit status 139
Asterisk exited on signal 11.

Disconnected from Asterisk server
Executing last minute cleanups
Asterisk ending (0).
Automatically restarting Asterisk.

I can here the beep, and asterisk crashes.

4) before crashing, the file starts to be created :
# ls -la /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/201/tmp/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 juin 30 16:39 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 asterisk asterisk 4096 juin 30 16:19 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk    0 juin 30 16:29 M4ukXu
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk    0 juin 30 16:39 xIdmT0
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk    0 juin 30 16:19 y7aulh

By: Sean Bright (seanbright) 2009-07-06 15:56:13

I believe this has already been resolved in the 1.6.1 branch.  Could you try the attached patch and report back your results?

By: Christophe PEREZ (novazur) 2009-07-07 03:47:28

That's perfect !
You saved me.
I'm on that for 2 weeks, tried all what I could...
Thanks a lot.

By: Sean Bright (seanbright) 2009-07-07 05:59:38

Already fixed in the 1.6.1 branch.