
Summary:ASTERISK-14298: Busydetect failure on unanswered calls because I am having the exact same issue. (reopen issue 0003813)
Reporter:zelik888 (zelik888)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-06-10 10:39:28Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:07:49
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I am reopening 0003813 Busydetect failure on unanswered calls because I am having the exact same issue.

From 0003813:
"  Description   A call is placed as follows:

POTS -> Digium TDM FXO module - Asterisk - Digium FXS module -> Analog phone.

1).If the analog phone is left unanswered and the POTS party hangs up, about 50% of the time the FXO channel fails to hangup via Busydetect or runs on well over "busycount" value before hanging up.

2).If the FXS analog phone answers the call and it is left off hook, a hangup at the POTS end will successfully hangup the FXO channel via busydetect 100% of the time.

My country (Taiwan) does not have polarity reversal so I must rely on busydetect.  Everything works beautifully if the ZAP caller hangs up while in an IVR menu or is bridged to an answered SIP/IAX channel.  If the ZAP caller hangs up while the SIP/IAX channel its attempting to bridge to is not answered, busy detect does not work.  The IAX/SIP channel will keep ringing indefinitely.  

I've also installed patch from 0009096 for DTMF detection.


Using Oslec echo canceller
Comments:By: zelik888 (zelik888) 2009-06-10 10:53:32

-- Call accepted by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (format g729)
   -- Format for call is g729
   -- IAX2/voipjet-174 is ringing
   -- IAX2/voipjet-174 is making progress passing it to Local/90981068611@from-internal-6d5f,2
   -- Local/90981068611@from-internal-6d5f,1 is making progress passing it to Local/FMGL-90981068611#@from-internal-f7f4,2

--------- Caller on ZAP hangs up, but busydetect will not kick in and system will keep attempting to ring the IAX channel

If you answer the IAX channel (after the ZAP channel has already hung up for quite some time) you immediately hear the busy signal from the already hungup ZAP channel.  Right away, busydetect kicks in and then hangs up the IAX channel.

The dialplan :  Zap caller -> IVR -> misc destination (external phone number that dials through IAX)

By: zelik888 (zelik888) 2009-07-06 22:42:12

sorry i didn't update the version on this correctly, it should be  Please close

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-09-18 08:27:42

Closed per the reporter. Thanks!