
Summary:ASTERISK-14172: [patch] Parked calls do not ring back after timeout
Reporter:Jonathan Thurman (jthurman)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-05-19 18:41:00Date Closed:2009-05-20 07:06:17
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) asterisk-0102-park.patch
Description:After the default timeout, parked calls are sent back to the original extension, but the dial fails.  The person on hold is then disconnected.

== Timeout for SIP/tel_02-cc05da98 parked on 9601 (default). Returning to park-dial,SIP000070E368B6B_01,1
   -- Executing [SIP000070E368B6B_01@park-dial:1] Dial("SIP/wsc_tel_02-cc05da98", "SIP/00070E368B6B_01|30|") in new stack
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
   -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/tel_02-cc05da98' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'

From some minimal testing, this might have to do with the way that the feature calls the Dial command with a | and not a , to separate the arguments.

I took a look at the feature code, and created a patch to change the |s to ,s.  I have had little time to test it on a non-production system, but it seems to work now.  I will test more thoroughly tomorrow.

Comments:By: Jonathan Thurman (jthurman) 2009-05-19 21:23:18

Looks like this has been addressed in the latest 1.6.1 SVN (195634).  Sorry for not doing my homework a little better before reporting...  Please close.

SVN log:

r189951 | russell | 2009-04-22 11:56:43 -0500 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009) | 2 lines

Fix call parking callback.  Pipes -> Commas.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-05-20 07:06:16

Closed per reporter. Thanks for following up!