
Summary:ASTERISK-14164: Interoperability 64bit problem SPARC crash Asterisk
Reporter:brianmus (brianmus)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-05-19 12:01:20Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:38
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Hi ALL,

I have tried to peering with my 2 fixed IP PBX. However I got error crash while I perform general query. From 64bit to 64 bit asterisk. Both side query will make remote asterisk crash. 64 bit query to 32 bit query seems fine. However 32bit query to 64bit will make the asterisk 64 bit crash.

No dump in Asterisk Full Log seen. I am using Ubuntu9.04 in 64bit SPARC. 32 bit is a Centos 5.3

tmhf02*CLI> dundi show peers
EID                  Host                Model      AvgTime  Status
08:00:20:cf:55:b8    (S) Symmetric  Unavail  OK (1 ms)
00:0f:ea:82:47:d4    220.232.X.X (S) Symmetric  Unavail  OK (4 ms)  
2 dundi peers [2 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]

ubuntu137*CLI> dundi show peers
EID                  Host                Model      AvgTime  Status
00:03:ba:10:7b:b1    (S) Symmetric  Unavail  OK (1 ms)
1 dundi peers [1 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]

192.168.1.X, 134.159.X.X is my 64 bit server
220.232.X.X is my 32 bit server

ubuntu137*CLI> dundi query 00:03:ba:10:7b:b1
DUNDi Query EID returned no results.
[May 20 00:55:35] NOTICE[4139]: pbx_dundi.c:3044 do_autokill: Transaction to '00:03:ba:10:7b:b1' took too long to ACK, destroying

Crash Asterisk without any prompt. Have try core debug 6
tmhf02*CLI> dundi show peers
EID                  Host                Model      AvgTime  Status
08:00:20:cf:55:b8    (S) Symmetric  Unavail  OK (1 ms)
00:0f:ea:82:47:d4 (S) Symmetric  Unavail  OK (4 ms)
2 dundi peers [2 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]
Disconnected from Asterisk server

ALL of the keys are install normally
ubuntu137*CLI> keys show
Key Name           Type     Status           Sum
jnctn              PUBLIC   [Loaded]         d5587bfddfe4d3773c2a1ef05d4bd86c
tmhf02             PUBLIC   [Loaded]         8dabbab59ee02e80b51f501e1b4b6d28
iaxtel             PUBLIC   [Loaded]         d919b3ef03eb4dc54c8fee86bfeeada1
ubuntu137          PUBLIC   [Loaded]         23053b5f4340a8ccc62de21dd77701b0
ubuntu137          PRIVATE  [Loaded]         e3061b943092db89ff762d0ee90c0481
freeworlddialup    PUBLIC   [Loaded]         5efd552d73309f29212331a75f3c701e
6 known RSA keys.

tmhf02*CLI> keys show
Key Name           Type     Status           Sum
------------------ -------- ---------------- --------------------------------
tmhf01             PUBLIC   [Loaded]         0b70e9b6342a41e2fed138beabb7f6f3
ubuntu137          PUBLIC   [Loaded]         23053b5f4340a8ccc62de21dd77701b0
freeworlddialup    PUBLIC   [Loaded]         5efd552d73309f29212331a75f3c701e
tmhf02             PUBLIC   [Loaded]         8dabbab59ee02e80b51f501e1b4b6d28
iaxtel             PUBLIC   [Loaded]         d919b3ef03eb4dc54c8fee86bfeeada1
tmhf02             PRIVATE  [Loaded]         6c8fd4909259889de06ca359c4d2bdd9

6 known RSA keys.


model = symmetric
host =
inkey = tmhf01
outkey = tmhf02
include = e164
permit = e164
qualify = yes
order = primary

model = symmetric
host =
inkey = ubuntu137
outkey = tmhf02
include = e164
permit = e164
qualify = yes
order = primary

model = symmetric
host =
inkey = tmhf02
outkey = ubuntu137
include = e164
permit = e164
dynamic = yes
qualify = yes
order = primary

I have try,,, still not working
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-05-19 13:27:25

If Asterisk is crashing, please provide a backtrace (as per backtrace.txt in the doc/ subdirectory of your Asterisk source). Be sure to enable DONT_OPTIMIZE in menuselect, reinstall Asterisk, then reproduce the issue.


By: brianmus (brianmus) 2009-05-19 21:09:43

I have issued the command

asterisk -vvvg -c

However it lockup my CPU after CRASH, I have to reboot my SPARC and

root@tmhf02:/tmp# [  824.635796] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [asteri
[  824.635796] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s          

I don't see any core DUMP in /tmp

P.S I am using Sparc Netra X1 with Ubuntu 9.04

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-05-20 07:08:08

Then you will probably need to reproduce the issue in valgrind per the valgrind.txt documentation in your asterisk source (doc/valgrind.txt). Place the output of valgrind in a text document, and attach it here for review. Thanks!

By: brianmus (brianmus) 2009-05-20 08:25:57

sorry about that valgrind not supported by SPARC. Anyway I try dump out the problem for investigation

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-05-20 08:55:31

I'm not sure what to tell you at this point. I've never used SPARC.

By: brianmus (brianmus) 2009-05-20 12:33:14

Sorry about that I have tried leak-analyze with asterisk -g option. I cannot gather debug information as CPU stuck lock up again.

Other function like asterisk SIP is FINE.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2009-05-20 13:31:34

[ 824.635796] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s!

This is indicative of a kernel bug.  Please report this issue upstream to your distribution.  There is nothing that we can do about this issue.

By: brianmus (brianmus) 2009-05-20 15:04:50

But this soft lockup is initiate by dundi command. Other Like IAX/SIP telephony is normal.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2009-05-20 16:00:27

brianmus:  That may be, but a userland software command should never have the capability of locking up a CPU.  That is indicative of a faulty kernel.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-05-21 10:05:28

Closed per Tilghman.