
Summary:ASTERISK-13666: AMD hangs, leaving orphaned channel
Reporter:Grant Murray (grant)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-02-27 11:38:10.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:52
Versions:Frequency of
Description:An outgoing call is originated through the manager interface, one of the early steps in the dialplan is the execution of AMD within a macro

exten => s, 1, amd(1500,1900,555,5500,,,7,256)

The last event received through the manager interface is:

Event: Newexten
Privilege: dialplan,all
Timestamp: 1235752914.930024
Channel: SIP/robert-08fb7ce8
Context: macro-detectMachineHuman
Extension: s
Priority: 1
Application: AMD
AppData: 1500,1900,555,5500,,,7,256
Uniqueid: 1235752890.625

There are no more manager events delivered for this channel.

The asterisk verbose log shows these as the last few entries:

[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3786] pbx.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]        > Channel SIP/robert-08fb7ce8 was answered.
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] DEBUG[3806] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3806] pbx.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]     -- Executing [s@pjtypePL:1] ^[[1;36mAnswer^[[0m("^[[1;35mSIP/robert-08fb7ce8^[[0m", "^[[1;35m^[[0m") in new stack
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] DEBUG[3806] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro'
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3806] pbx.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]     -- Executing [s@pjtypePL:2] ^[[1;36mMacro^[[0m("^[[1;35mSIP/robert-08fb7ce8^[[0m", "^[[1;35mdetectMachineHuman^[[0m") in new stack
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] DEBUG[3806] pbx.c: Launching 'AMD'
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3806] pbx.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]     -- Executing [s@macro-detectMachineHuman:1] ^[[1;36mAMD^[[0m("^[[1;35mSIP/robert-08fb7ce8^[[0m", "^[[1;35m1500,1900,555,5500,,,7,256^[[0m") in new stack
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3806] app_amd.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]     -- AMD: SIP/robert-08fb7ce8 8042349043 (null) (Fmt: 64)
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] VERBOSE[3806] app_amd.c: [2009-02-27 11:41:54]     -- AMD: initialSilence [1500] greeting [1900] afterGreetingSilence [555] totalAnalysisTime [5500] minimumWordLength [100] betweenWordsSilence [50] maximumNumberOfWords [7] silenceThreshold [256] maximumWordLength [5000]
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] DEBUG[3806] dsp.c: Setup tone 1100 Hz, 500 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=21
[2009-02-27 11:41:54] DEBUG[3806] dsp.c: Setup tone 2100 Hz, 2600 ms, block_size=160, hits_required=116

also ...

*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR    Call ID          Format           Hold     Last Message    Expiry     2610847742  7ff7cfdd7de4195  0x4 (ulaw)       No       Tx: ACK
1 active SIP dialog

It is as if AMD hangs. The channel remains in list for a long time after the call is finished.
This is an intermittent problem, the dialplan executed AMD successfully on 283 other originations before this one failed.

Is there a way I can provide more useful info?
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-02-27 16:10:46.000-0600

You could potentially turn on siphistory in sip.conf as well and reproduce. This might help to determine if the issue lies within' the SIP channel, or with AMD() itself.

By: Grant Murray (grant) 2009-03-02 10:32:16.000-0600

Here is the sip history of an example call that got stuck in AMD

*CLI> sip show history 52e71d36071c10a

 * SIP Call
1. NewChan         Channel SIP/robert-087ba258 - from 52e71d36071c10a65fbcdf7f3fec
2. TxReqRel        INVITE / 102 INVITE - INVITE
3. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE / 100 Trying
4. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE / 183 Session Progress
5. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE / 200 OK
6. TxReq           ACK / 102 ACK - ACK
7. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
8. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
9. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
10. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
11. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
12. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
13. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
14. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
15. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
16. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@
17. Rx              BYE / 2 BYE / sip:5554447777@

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2009-03-09 16:40:02

This looks like a lock issue with the channel. The lock can not be acquired so it gives up processing the BYE. Can you please recompile with DEBUG_THREADS enabled in make menuselect / Compiler Flags and attach the output of core show locks - Thanks.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-06-10 12:34:54

Closed due to lack of response from the reporter. If you can provide the requested information, please reopen this issue and attach the information. Thanks!