
Summary:ASTERISK-13549: Random inbound calls do not hear any sound but CLI says file is playing
Reporter:Brett Matthews (brett matthews)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-02-09 22:27:36.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:20
Versions:Frequency of
Description:System works fine most of the time, although on occasion for a few minutes any new inbound callers are met with no audio. Then the system returns to normal.
Frustrating for both us and the calling party.

This has been happening from many versions ago, and also through many versions of misdn from misdn.org.

Any help is most appreciated.


Had this happen to the same caller 3 times in a row. See hangup 8 odd seconds after call was ansered.

[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:2] Answer("mISDN/4-u190", "") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:3] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "__BLKVM_OVERRIDE=BLKVM/1
000/mISDN/4-u190") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:4] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "__BLKVM_BASE=1000") in n
ew stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:5] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "DB(BLKVM/1000/mISDN/4-u1
90)=TRUE") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:6] ExecIf("mISDN/4-u190", "1|Set|_DIAL_OPTIONS=t
rwM(auto-blkvm)") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:7] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "__NODEST=1000") in new s
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:8] GotoIf("mISDN/4-u190", "0?REPCID") in new sta
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:9] GotoIf("mISDN/4-u190", "0?REPCID") in new sta
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:10] NoOp("mISDN/4-u190", "Current RGPREFIX is Ed
n ....stripping from Caller ID") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:11] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "CALLERID(name)=02649201
46") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:12] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "_RGPREFIX=") in new sta
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:13] NoOp("mISDN/4-u190", "CALLERID(name) is 0264
920146") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:14] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "_RGPREFIX=Q ") in new s
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:15] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "CALLERID(name)=Q 026492
0146") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:16] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "__ALERT_INFO=Alert-Info
: <") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:17] Set("mISDN/4-u190", "MONITOR_FILENAME=/var/s
pool/asterisk/monitor/q1000-20090209-085446-1234130082.479") in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- Executing [1000@ext-queues:18] Playback("mISDN/4-u190", "custom/queuegreet"
) in new stack
[Feb  9 08:54:46] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:     -- <mISDN/4-u190> Playing 'custom/queuegreet' (language 'au')
[Feb  9 08:54:54] VERBOSE[3273] logger.c:     -- Registered IAX2 '1101' (AUTHENTICATED) at
[Feb  9 08:54:54] NOTICE[3273] chan_iax2.c: Restricting registration for peer '1101' to 60 seconds (requested 50)
[Feb  9 08:54:54] VERBOSE[26105] logger.c:   == Spawn extension (ext-queues, 1000, 18) exited non-zero on 'mISDN/4-u190'
[Feb  9 08:54:54] DEBUG[26105] chan_misdn.c: misdn_hangup(mISDN/4-u190)
Comments:By: Brett Matthews (brett matthews) 2009-03-03 18:10:22.000-0600

Found problem was due to ztdummy not receiving interrupts from RTC. I ended up compiling vanilla kernel on Centos 5 box so ztdummy could use Highres timers instead. Hardware is Dell Poweredge 850.  Seems like every 2 or 3 weeks the server would hiccup with the interrupts, and would take exactly 5 minutes I believe to start resending them to RTC.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2009-03-04 08:15:55.000-0600

Closed per reporter, issue was with timing source.