
Summary:ASTERISK-13528: Issue with Asterisk 1.6.1-rc1 with Microsoft OCS 2007
Reporter:TheOldSaint (theoldsaint)Labels:
Date Opened:2009-02-06 04:53:59.000-0600Date Closed:2009-02-06 10:18:41.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of

I have installed Asterisk 1.6.1-rc1 version. And Configured Asterisk as the Gateway at the Mediation Server (OCS).

And I have tried the below scenario - call from OC to SNOM as mentioned in the below topology.

OC --> OCS 2007 --> MedSrv  --> Asterisk 1.6.1-rc1 --> SNOM (On TLS)

SIP-TLS call is establishing successfully and terminating successfully when BYE is initiated from the OC.

But I am seeing an issue with Asterisk when BYE is initiating from the SNOM to OC. When SNOM is trying to send BYE, Asterisk is closing the TLS connection and BYE is not reaching at the Asterisk. And Asterisk is under impression that Call leg with SNOM is still active.

Could you please help me in resolving these TLS issue.

OC - Microsoft Office Communicator
OCS 2007 - Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007
MedSrv - Mediation Server

Thanks in advance.