Summary: | ASTERISK-13410: [patch] CCBS/CCNR support for QSIG (libpri & chan_dahdi) | ||
Reporter: | Thomas Arimont (tomaso) | Labels: | |
Date Opened: | 2009-01-21 03:33:14.000-0600 | Date Closed: | 2010-05-26 11:07:39 |
Priority: | Major | Regression? | No |
Status: | Closed/Complete | Components: | Channels/chan_dahdi/NewFeature |
Versions: | Frequency of Occurrence | ||
Related Issues: | |||
Environment: | Attachments: | ( 0) asterisk-issue8824-2008-12-10-ccbsccnr-0.1.0.patch ( 1) ccbsccnrabort.patch ( 2) chan_local.patch ( 3) corrected_send_qsig_alertingname.patch ( 4) disc_rel_userbusy.patch ( 5) divleginfo1_to_connectednum.patch ( 6) libpri-1.4-2008-12-10-ccbsccnr-0.1.0.patch ( 7) libpri-1.4-2009-01-29-rerouting-0.1.9.patch ( 8) QSIG_CCBS-CCNR.doc ( 9) send_qsig_alertingname.patch | |
Description: | Based on the COLP/CONP work in asterisk team branch issue8824 and the QSIG COLP/CONP patch in issue 0014068 here comes another patch for chan_dahdi & libpri regarding the ISDN/QSIG CCBS/CCNR feature. Since there is some basic stuff done in issue 0014068 regarding QSIG facility handling in libpri and chan_dahdi the patches requires the patches from issue 0014068 first. It has been tested with HiPath 3000 V4.0 and HICOM 300. libpri-1.4-2008-12-10-ccbsccnr-0.1.0.patch adds CCBS/CCNR support to libpri-1.4 branch. asterisk-issue8824-2008-12-10-ccbsccnr-0.1.0.patch is used to patch chan_dahdi.c in asterisk-issue8824. QSIG CCBS-CCNR.doc is a short description of the new dahdi dialplan applications and gives information how to use them in the dialplan. ****** STEPS TO REPRODUCE ****** - ****** ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ****** - | ||
Comments: | By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2009-01-21 16:21:54.000-0600 Created the following branches: asterisk/team/group/issue14292 libpri/team/group/issue14292 and applied the latest patch files above to the branches. By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-08-06 09:37:25 In a heavy traffic environment we have detected some channel/mutex deadlocks regarding the libpri/dahdi related COLP/CONP feature in chan_dahdi.c (We still working on the original issue8824 based branch, but the same should be applied on this 14292 branch too) For a fix please make sure that in function dahdi_pri_handle_subcmds() the following functions are called with 'pri->lock' mutex unlocked: ast_channel_queue_connected_line_update(owner, &ast_connected); ast_channel_queue_redirecting_update(owner, &ast_redirecting); e.g. ast_mutex_unlock(&pri->lock); ast_channel_queue_connected_line_update(owner, &ast_connected); ast_mutex_lock(&pri->lock); Thomas Arimont DATUS AG By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2009-08-06 10:32:57 tomaso I think the deadlock issue you are referring to is already avoided in the current branch code. There are three locks involved: 1) PRI access lock 2) chan_dahdi private lock. 3) channel lock The function dahdi_pri_lock_owner() goes through deadlock avoidance to obtain the third lock if the owner pointer is not null. By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-08-06 10:38:47 rmudgett, Ahh, yes I see. Sorry, you're right. Good job! By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-09-14 11:16:00 I have to report some bugs & associated fixes (mostly) regarding the COLP/CONP/CCBS/CCNR feature. I think the best place to post them is here 'on block'. (Sorry, we still working on the original (patched) issue8824 based branch, but the same should be applied on this 14292 branch too. We're going to do a version switch-over as soon as the implementation find the way to an open source release candidate - we are such anxious and lazy guys ;-)) Feature related bugs: -------------------- -------------------- 1. Call rerouting (Sending QSIG facility) ---------------------------------------- a) Account for pSS1InfoElement where the bearer capability for the new rerouted call is described. The call could be a fax or data call, let's use the appropriate signalling to avoid call rejects on the other end. b) Handle calling number element appropriate, number can be prohibited or non-existent c) For calling number element use "unknown number" better than "private number" (I guess this i already done) d) take the diversion counter from DivLegInfo2 (if was present in the incoming Setup) and increment Fix see libpri-1.4-2009-01-29-rerouting-0.1.9.patch 2. Stop CCBS/CCNR response-timer immediately if CCBS/CCNR is not possible ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed fix see ccbsccnrabort.patch and change CCBS/CCNR TIMER_T1 macro in dialplan, taking respect of ${CCBSNRREQSTATE}"="ABORTED" macro TIMER_T1() { CC_TIMER_T1 = 10; while ( ${CC_TIMER_T1} > 0 ) { CC_TIMER_T1 = ${CC_TIMER_T1}-1; Wait(1); if ( "${CCBSNRREQSTATE}"="ACTIVATED" ) { Playback(rueckruf-programmiert); return; } else if ( "${CCBSNRREQSTATE}"="ABORTED" ) { Playback(kein&rueckruf-programmiert); return; } } // Timeout Playback(kein&rueckruf-programmiert); return; }; // Macro Ende 3. Take diverted-to-number from DivLegInfo1 to propagate it as connected number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (when no ISDN connected number is signalled in an ISDN Connect afterwards) Fix see divleginfo1_to_connectednum.patch 4. Get new encoded Q.931 info elements into canonical order inside Q.931 message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (otherwise pedantic PBX's like Siemens/HICOM reports non-critical L3 erros) Fix see also divleginfo1_to_connectednum.patch Not feature related: -------------------- -------------------- 1. Hanging (never released) pri channels when using Busy() (or Congestion()) dialplan-application ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Busy() or Congestion() application is used towards ISDN (an ISDN progress is sent), the responding ISDN Disconnect or Release may contain the ISDN cause user busy or one of the congestion causes. In chan_dahdi.c these causes will only set the needbusy or needcongestion flags and not activating the softhangup procedure. Unfortunately only the ladder can interrupt the endless wait loop of Busys()/Congestion(). Result: pri channels keep staying in state busy for the rest of * life. Fix see dic_rel_userbusy.patch for chan_dahdi.c 2. Segmentation fault in chan_local when calling 'core show channels' (intensively) and simultaneous generating calls towards pri/ISDN >> addendum: o.k., I see there is a change in the current asterisk trunk, but I can't see a null pointer access check? (for: struct local_pvt *p = bridge->tech_pvt;) ------------------------------------------------------------------ For replication apply similar scripts as below: Shell 1: while true; do i=0; while [ $i -lt 13 ]; do echo $i; printf "Channel:local/80455004@from-sbc\nCallerid:<$(date +%s)>\nApplication:Playback\nData:tt-weasels\n" > /var/spool/asterisk/tmp/$i; mv /var/spool/asterisk/tmp/$i /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/$i; sleep 0.5; i=$((i+1)); done; sleep 7; done Shell 2: while true; do clear; rasterisk -x"core show channels"; sleep 1; done Fix see chan_local.patch By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-09-14 11:27:15 This (except the CCBS/CCNR bug) is also related to the 14068 branch/issue. By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-09-15 04:25:59 One other feature related fix: The COLP/CONP information of a SIP ringing (e.g. P-Asserted-Header) was not mapped to an QSIG Alerted Name Facility, if a QSIG/Q.931 Call Proceeding was sent out before towards ISDN (e.g. using Proceeding() application in dialplan) Fix see send_qsig_alertingname.patch One Request: Please port the SIP UPDATE handling extension of ABE this branch in near future! >> addendum: o.k., I saw it's already in the current asterisk trunk, skip that Another Request: It would be nice to have the ability to deactivate call forwarding in case of a SIP 482 Loop Detect response. AddOn: To allow partial rerouting from SIP to QSIG we implemented a patch to do so. Abstract: A SIP 301/302 response 'moved temporarely' does not automatically invoke * call forwarding (internal forward switching) but returns to dialplan where a astdb parameter can be read (diverted-to-number). Calling the QSIG Call Rerouting Feature at this point does the rest. This helps nicely to suppress ugly call loops ... By: Thomas Arimont (tomaso) 2009-09-21 06:31:03 Corrected one other feature related fix: The COLP/CONP information of a SIP ringing (e.g. P-Asserted-Header) was not mapped to an QSIG Alerted Name Facility, if a QSIG/Q.931 Call Proceeding was sent out before towards ISDN (e.g. using Proceeding() application in dialplan) (I mixed up user and network ISDN L3 states) Corrected fix see corrected_send_qsig_alertingname.patch By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-10-07 13:37:26 Repository: libpri Revision: 1152 U branches/1.4/pri_facility.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1152 | rmudgett | 2009-10-07 13:37:25 -0500 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) | 19 lines Sent Q.SIG call rerouting message fixes. a) Account for pSS1InfoElement where the bearer capability for the new rerouted call is described. The call could be a fax or data call, let's use the appropriate signaling to avoid call rejects on the other end. b) Handle calling number appropriately, number can be prohibited or non-existent. c) Add calling name if available. d) Use the diversion counter from DivLegInfo2 (if was present in the incoming Setup) and increment. (issue ASTERISK-13410) Reported by: tomaso Patches: libpri-1.4-2009-01-29-rerouting-0.1.9.patch uploaded by tomaso (license 564) (Used as a guide since it no longer will apply.) (This patch is unrelated to the issue.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-10-15 17:52:20 Repository: libpri Revision: 1212 U branches/1.4/pri_facility.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1212 | rmudgett | 2009-10-15 17:34:52 -0500 (Thu, 15 Oct 2009) | 12 lines Take diverted-to-number from DivLegInfo1 and use it as connected number. If no connected number is signaled in the CONNECT message we will use the last diverted to number. (issue ASTERISK-13410) Reported by: tomaso Patches: divleginfo1_to_connectednum.patch uploaded by tomaso (license 564) (Used as a guide since it no longer will apply.) (This patch is unrelated to the issue.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2009-10-15 18:40:23 The sorting of the IE done in divleginfo1_to_connectednum.patch was already done earlier. The Q.SIG alerting name facility patch was already fixed by fabled in 14068 and automerged into 14292. By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2009-10-16 17:55:52 Repository: asterisk Revision: 224261 _U trunk/ U trunk/channels/sig_pri.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r224261 | rmudgett | 2009-10-16 15:40:57 -0500 (Fri, 16 Oct 2009) | 25 lines Merged revisions 224260 via svnmerge from ........ r224260 | rmudgett | 2009-10-16 15:25:23 -0500 (Fri, 16 Oct 2009) | 18 lines Never released PRI channels when using Busy() or Congestion() dialplan apps. When the Busy() or Congestion() application is used towards ISDN (an ISDN progress is sent), the responding ISDN Disconnect or Release may contain the ISDN cause user busy or one of the congestion causes. In chan_dahdi.c these causes will only set the needbusy or needcongestion flags and not activate the softhangup procedure. Unfortunately only the latter can interrupt the endless wait loop of Busy()/Congestion(). Result: PRI channels staying in state busy for the rest of asterisk life or until the other end times out and forces the call to clear. (issue ASTERISK-13410) Reported by: tomaso Patches: disc_rel_userbusy.patch uploaded by tomaso (license 564) (This patch is unrelated to the issue.) ........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2009-11-09 17:49:24.000-0600 The change in chan_local.patch is effectively implemented in issue ASTERISK-14922. This is the last of the unrelated issues brought up in this issue. Do not put any more unrelated issues in this issue. Create new stand alone issues. Thanks. By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2010-05-26 11:01:11 Repository: libpri Revision: 1714 U branches/1.4/Makefile A branches/1.4/doc/ D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_agent.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_agent.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_agent_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_agent_flattened.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_monitor.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_monitor.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_monitor_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptmp_monitor_flattened.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_agent.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_agent.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_agent_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_agent_flattened.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_monitor.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_monitor.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_monitor_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_ptp_monitor_flattened.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_agent.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_agent.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_agent_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_agent_flattened.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_monitor.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_monitor.fsm D branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_monitor_flattened.fsm A branches/1.4/doc/cc_qsig_monitor_flattened.fsm U branches/1.4/libpri.h U branches/1.4/pri.c A branches/1.4/pri_cc.c U branches/1.4/pri_facility.c U branches/1.4/pri_facility.h U branches/1.4/pri_internal.h U branches/1.4/pri_q931.h U branches/1.4/prisched.c U branches/1.4/q931.c U branches/1.4/rose.c U branches/1.4/rose.h A branches/1.4/rose_etsi_cc.c U branches/1.4/rose_internal.h A branches/1.4/rose_qsig_cc.c U branches/1.4/rosetest.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1714 | rmudgett | 2010-05-26 11:01:10 -0500 (Wed, 26 May 2010) | 28 lines Add Call Completion Suppplementary Service Call Completion Supplementary Service (CCSS) added for the following switch types: ETSI PTMP, ETSI PTP, Q.SIG. Specifications: ETS 300 359 CCBS for PTMP and PTP ETS 301 065 CCNR for PTMP and PTP ECMA-186 Call Completion for Q.SIG Several support services were added to support CC: Dummy Call Reference. Q.931 REGISTER message. Dynamic expansion of the number of available timers (up to 8192). Enhanced facility message handling. Current implementation limitations preclude the following: CC service retention is not supported. Q.SIG path reservation is not supported. (closes issue ASTERISK-13410) Reported by: tomaso Tested by: rmudgett JIRA SWP-1493 Review: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2010-05-26 11:07:39 The asterisk portion of this feature was merged into trunk -r256528. |