
Summary:ASTERISK-13197: Asterisk is sending multiple INVITE after 200 OK as been acknowledged
Reporter:Julien Chavanton (jchavanton)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-12-10 13:35:00.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:12
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When making an outbout call Asterisk is sending several consecutive INVITE after connection is established.


"1","19:11:31.485420","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:1234567@, with session description"
"2","19:11:31.760063","","","SIP","Status: 100 Trying"
"3","19:11:41.483299","","","SIP/SDP","Status: 183 Session Progress, with session description"
"4","19:11:41.483586","","","SIP/SDP","Status: 180 Ringing, with session description"
"5","19:11:53.295985","","","SIP/SDP","Status: 200 OK, with session description"
"6","19:11:53.296283","","","SIP","Request: ACK sip:;transport=udp"
"7","19:11:53.297062","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"8","19:11:54.296162","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"9","19:11:55.296165","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"10","19:11:57.296159","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"11","19:12:01.296159","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"12","19:12:09.296161","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"13","19:12:13.441551","","","SIP","Request: BYE sip:asterisk@"
"14","19:12:13.441749","","","SIP","Status: 200 OK"
"15","19:12:25.296159","","","SIP/SDP","Request: INVITE sip:;transport=udp, with session description"
"16","19:12:25.561598","","","SIP","Status: 404 Not Found"

Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2008-12-10 14:21:41.000-0600

Please attach a sip debug with the complete packets using a newer version. I suspect this is being caused by reinvites so canreinvite=no in sip.conf may also solve it. The device in question might not like them.

By: Julien Chavanton (jchavanton) 2008-12-10 15:18:38.000-0600

I have set "canreinvite=no" under the host entry in "sip.conf"

It as fixed the problem, would you like me to reproduce the problem to have the information ?

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2008-12-10 15:59:11.000-0600

That's fine, this looks to be an issue with the remote device not allowing reinvites. Since canreinvite=no solves this I'm closing this out.