
Summary:ASTERISK-13094: jitterbuffer
Reporter:farah (auf)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-11-20 02:49:02.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:18
Versions:Frequency of

i want to get some statistics about the call quality with asterisk.
I used the following command: iax2 show netstats
and the result changes depending on the configuration of iax.conf.

When i enable jitterbuffer=yes and forcejitterbuffer=yes, i get the following result:

voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-6207          1500    2   42     0   0     0    0      0    0    0     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel
voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-6207            22    2   43     1   0     0    0      1    0   40     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel
voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-6207            22    2   43     1   0     0    0      1    0   40     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel

and when i disable it i get:

voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-11724         1500   -1    0    -1  -1     0   -1      0    0    0     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel
voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-11724           20   -1    0    -1  -1     0   -1      1    0   40     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel
voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
                               -------- LOCAL ---------------------  -------- REMOTE --------------------
Channel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
IAX2/i55333-11724           20   -1    0    -1  -1     0   -1      1    0   40     0   0     0    0      0
1 active IAX channel

Should i enable it or not?
Is there any threshold for the field "lost" and "%" for which we can say that the call quality is bad?

Thank you

Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-11-20 08:47:28.000-0600

This is not a bug, but rather a support issue. Please use the appropriate venues for support such as the #asterisk IRC channel, or the asterisk-users mailing list. Thanks!