
Summary:ASTERISK-12883: Segmentation Fault with in rtp.c:1131, Application chanSpy
Reporter:Wolfgang Pichler (wuwu)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-10-13 12:23:01Date Closed:2008-12-10 12:37:40.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) backtrace_11_10_08.txt
Description:i do have encountered a segmentation fault on a machine while
using the ChanSpy Application - i have tried to reproduce the segfault -
but without success.

I think the segfault is because of two different sip users where trying
to start ChanSpy on the same channel - but i don't know exactly...

I am running asterisk with optimized code - so the backtrace isn't as
usefull as it could be - if i am able to reproduze the fault - then i
will run it on a non optimized version to produce a more useable
backtrace (how much does it really costs to disable the optimizations -
will it be a problem on a production machine running at loadavg around
1, cpu utilization around 30 % ?)
Comments:By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2008-10-13 14:21:52

This issue appears to be similar to issue ASTERISK-12347, so I'm going to mark them related.

One thing that I think will be helpful is to get valgrind output when this problem occurs. For instructions on how to use valgrind with Asterisk, see doc/valgrind.txt in the Asterisk source directory.

For the load you are talking about, turning off optimizations should not make a huge difference in performance. Running valgrind, on the other hand, will cause noticeable slowdown, and so you may want to try a test run with valgrind before launching it on a production system.

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2008-12-10 12:35:38.000-0600

I have become convinced that this is a duplicate of issue ASTERISK-12347. Since it has many more comments and backtraces attached, it seems like the logical place to continue trying to fix this.