
Summary:ASTERISK-12865: deleting and moving voicemessages around
Reporter:Fabian Mueller (fmueller)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-10-10 08:31:55Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:07:54
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I use this call for dialing into the system: VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@default|sa(1))

First I have this situation

root@mobil-1:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/Old# ls
msg0000.txt  msg0000.wav

After the message has been played back I press 9 to save the message. Then I press 1 to save the message in the directory "old messages". Then I have this situation:

root@mobil-1:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/Old# ls
msg0000.txt  msg0000.wav  msg0001.txt  msg0001.wav

Then I press 7 to delete the message and leave the system by pressing #. Then I have this situation again:

root@mobil-1:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/Old# ls
msg0000.txt  msg0000.wav  msg0001.txt  msg0001.wav

Obviously no message has been deleted. Now something interessting: I repeat every single step above with the only exception that I do press 7 to delete the message. Then I have this situation:

root@mobil-1:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/222/Old# ls
msg0000.txt  msg0000.wav

In this case the message is deleted. Is everything of these things the expected behaviour?

Something similar happens when I save the message in INBOX: I have one "Old" message, save it in INBOX, leave the menu by pressing # and see, that the message was deleted from the folder "Old". So actually the message has been moved. But all prompts related to this say "save". They probably should say "move" if AsteriskĀ“s behaviour is correct.
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-10-10 09:05:07

For convenience, we use the word "save" when it's really implemented as a copy and a delete.  So when you press 7 to delete the message, it's already been copied to the Old folder and marked for deletion in the INBOX folder.  If you wanted to delete the message in the Old folder, you'd need to press 2 to change folders to the Old folder, then delete the corresponding message.

By: Fabian Mueller (fmueller) 2008-10-10 09:42:34

In my report above I wrote: "I repeat every single step above with the only exception that I do press 7 to delete the message." That was wrong. It should have been: "I repeat every single step above with the only exception that I do _NOT_ press 7 to delete the message."

@Corydon76: You wrote: "and marked for deletion in the INBOX folder." I do not see in which example in my report something is marked for deletion in the INBOX folder. I did not delete anything from the INBOX folder. I only moved something to the folder INBOX. In my first example the INBOX is completely irrelevant. I moved a message from the folder "Old" to the folder "Old". In my second example I moved a message from the folder "Old" to the folder "INBOX".

Well, I try to explain again. For the following to cases the start situation is that I have 1 message in folder "Old" and 0 messages in folder "INBOX". I dial the Voicemailsystem with option a(1) in both cases.
first case: I press 9, 0, 7, #. (save, to folder INBOX, delete, leave).
           Then I have the message in the folders "INBOX" and "Old".
second case: When I press 9, 0, # (save, to folder INBOX, leave)
            then I have the message in "INBOX" but not in "Old".

Is all of this really the correct behaviour? For me this is very irritating.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-12-11 16:11:17.000-0600

I've assigned this issue to myself so that I can try and reproduce the issue and see what I would expect the behaviour to be, and what actually happens.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2009-01-05 10:11:11.000-0600

After thinking about this, it seems this is really an expected behaviour.

Because of the underlying method of how this is done (i.e. copy/delete), when you press 7, you're undeleting the delete that is going to happen. In your first scenario you end up with the double file because you're undeleting the copy which will be deleted upon hang up, while at the same time leaving the copy in place.

This will only happen when you copy the message to the same folder to which it is already in (which is not going to happen very often because it doesn't make much sense to move the message to the same folder it is already in...)

I can actually see this as a feature in which you want to move the file to the INBOX to mark as a new file, but then keep a copy of it in some other folder (lets say... business) so that a copy exists there, but you have a new copy in the INBOX to trigger an MWI indication. When you delete from the INBOX again, then you won't need to move it anywhere (it'll go to Old), and away you go.

Anyways, I'm going to close this issue because I don't really see any reason to change this behaviour.