
Summary:ASTERISK-12427: rtcachefriends=no causing endless loop resulting in unusable asterisk
Reporter:Joerg Staedele (brainy)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-07-22 09:13:20Date Closed:2008-10-08 08:45:14
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have a problem when using rtcachefriends=no (in sip.conf) with realtime SIP. After starting Asterisk (latest SVN!) it starts to loop showing me that a user is reachable. This repeates many many times per second resulting in a endless-loop.

If i turn on rtcachefriends everything is fine but i dont want asterisk to cache things since the data is changing sometimes in the database.
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-07-22 10:41:43


By: Joerg Staedele (brainy) 2008-07-22 10:59:07

The phone is also flooded with OPTIONS requests .. it seems that the asterisk is not able to save/keep the results from the last qualify request when rtcachefriends=no ... so it is sending a qualify over and over again ->

[Jul 22 18:03:44] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (159ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (160ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (215ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (201ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (203ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (204ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (151ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (162ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (163ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (162ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (162ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (163ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (162ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (162ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (160ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (161ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (163ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (164ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:45] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (163ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (190ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (165ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (167ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (169ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (190ms / 2000ms)
[Jul 22 18:03:46] NOTICE[2669]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '12' is now Reachable. (212ms / 2000ms)

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-08-05 22:58:41

Please try again with latest SVN.  Several realtime changes have been made that change how realtime peer state changes are handled.

By: Joerg Staedele (brainy) 2008-08-06 01:42:16

with SVN-branch-1.4-r135949M (currently newest) this is much better but i still see a strange thing:

[Aug  6 08:46:20] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (651ms / 2000ms)
[Aug  6 08:47:01] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (105ms / 2000ms)
[Aug  6 08:47:07] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (105ms / 2000ms)
[Aug  6 08:49:14] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (612ms / 2000ms)
[Aug  6 08:49:55] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (104ms / 2000ms)
[Aug  6 08:50:01] NOTICE[22931]: chan_sip.c:12701 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'test1' is now Reachable. (105ms / 2000ms)

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-09-11 17:03:48

Please try the patch in issue ASTERISK-12650.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-09-27 18:50:29

brainy:  Hello?  Testing?

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-09-28 13:15:13

Ping to the original reporter re: request for testing?

By: Joerg Staedele (brainy) 2008-09-28 13:18:54

Sorry, i was away... I upgraded to SVN 5 days ago and everything seems to be fine.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-10-06 10:51:40

Appears that upgrading to SVN resolves the issue, which means either latest, or next release of Asterisk 1.4 will resolve the original posters issue. Thanks for the feedback!

By: Joerg Staedele (brainy) 2008-10-08 08:07:26

I had to restart the asterisk and found a problem again: The ipaddr/port ist not being read from the mysql database on loading.

Within the mysql database the ipaddr and port is filled but doing a "sip show peer xyz load" shows:
Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 0

This will only get updated when the client re-registers.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-10-08 08:45:12

In the future please report a new bug for issues and not a previously closed bug if the issue is not the same.

I looked through and it appears maybe 13634 is related to your issue.