
Summary:ASTERISK-12397: GMail Support
Reporter:Marc Smith (marcsmith)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-07-16 20:50:36Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:03
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Using imap.gmail.com (GMail / Google Apps) for the IMAP server has a few problems. I'm pretty sure these issues are more likely with Google's IMAP implementation, not c-client or asterisk; when I change the IMAP server setting to a dovecot IMAP server, it works perfectly.

UW IMAP version: imap-2007b

1) Out of the box, voicemail messages are saved correctly through IMAP. One of the problems arises when attempting to retrieve voicemail messages. Also, the MWI is never "active" -- asterisk reports no voicemail messages (old or new).
The problem appears to be that when the mail_search_full function is called. The SEARCHPGM that contains the header criteria ("X-Asterisk-VM-Extension") is never matched. When that criteria is changed to something else, say the header "From" and the value being "Asterisk PBX" then I get some voicemails. Changing this in both the messagecount and open_mailbox functions will make it so my MWI updates correctly and also will play the voicemails correctly when I dial the voicemail app. I'm not sure why Google's IMAP does not return any matches when the search is performed. When I connect to imap.gmail.com with mtest and retrieve the message, I see the "X-Asterisk-VM-Extension" exists in the header (along with all the others). I turned on mail_debug for the mail stream and I see exactly what it issues to the IMAP server (along with its response):
NOTICE[32142] app_voicemail.c: 00000007 SEARCH UNDELETED UNSEEN HEADER X-Asterisk-VM-Extension 20001
NOTICE[32142] app_voicemail.c: * SEARCH
NOTICE[32142] app_voicemail.c: 00000007 OK SEARCH completed (Success)

2) Next, I noticed after listening to voicemails (through my phone) the messages are not marked as "seen" so they still appear as new messages in the GMail web interface (and I'm sure through IMAP too). I believe when mail_fetchstructure is called in play_message, that normally sets the "seen" flag or the IMAP server sets the "seen" flag. This is not happening with Google Mail, so I used mail_setflag to "manually" set the flag after mail_fetchstructure is called. This fixed it so the messages are marked as read after listening to them.


I have a couple quick workarounds that solve these problems when using GMail with IMAP storage. I grabbed app_voicemail.c revision 129158 from /branches/1.4/apps to work with.

1) For this first problem with no results being returned from the search for voicemail messages, I just changed two lines:
Line 2560 (function messagecount)
Old: hdr = mail_newsearchheader ("X-Asterisk-VM-Extension", (char *)mailbox);
New: hdr = mail_newsearchheader ("From", "Asterisk PBX");
Line 4910 (function open_mailbox)
Old: hdr = mail_newsearchheader ("X-Asterisk-VM-Extension", vmu->mailbox);
New: hdr = mail_newsearchheader ("From", "Asterisk PBX");
This is definitely not a good solution. With this, sharing a single IMAP mailbox for all users would be out of the question. Thats not my situation, so its getting me by for my testing. Ideas? If the problem is Google's IMAP, I doubt we're going to get them to change (at least not any time soon). It could be something else, but again, I don't have any problems when I switch to a dovecot IMAP server and I haven't heard anyone else having this problem.

2) This fix took took a couple more lines, but I think this could probably stay in without affecting other users; more testing needed to confirm.
Starting after line 4590 (function play_message)
Inserted this:
char tmp[10];
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%lu", vms->msgArray[vms->curmsg]);
mail_setflag(vms->mailstream, tmp, "\\Seen");
This then sets messages to read in GMail. Again, I'm not sure if this is caused by Google's IMAP or what. This may also be a bit neater (better?) in a function like its brother vm_imap_delete.

I'm set for my testing and I'll update if I run into anything else. What do you think about merging changes in so GMail users can be happy? Maybe even using some kind of 'gmail=yes' option in voicemail.conf to enable these "special" changes to app_voicemail.c. Thoughts? Ideas?
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2008-07-17 08:23:29

This is not a forum appropriate for discussion.  Please use the asterisk-dev list for that.  When you have an appropriate candidate patch for inclusion, you may reopen this issue.