
Summary:ASTERISK-12178: It seems that bug 10467 is back
Reporter:Private Name (falves11)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-06-12 02:37:38Date Closed:2008-06-12 14:26:17
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The message "No ethernet interface found for seeding global EID. You will have to set it manually." started to appear in current SVN
Comments:By: Michiel van Baak (mvanbaak) 2008-06-12 03:34:10

I can confirm this one.
I'm at work so cannot provide a patch for you.

By: Michiel van Baak (mvanbaak) 2008-06-12 03:44:45

Actually, looking at 'core show settings' I noticed:
Entity ID:                   00:00:00:00:00:00

Looks like it's not set.

asterisk*CLI> core show version
Asterisk SVN-trunk-r121993M built by root @ asterisk.vanbaak.info on a i686 running Linux on 2008-05-28 18:50:07 UTC

The only modification I have is in chan_skinny where I disabled the warning output when not enough data is received

The system is a xen instance running Debian stable.
My ifconfig output:
asterisk:/usr/local/src/asterisk# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3E:5C:D0:C3  
         inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
         inet6 addr: 2001:888:152c:0:216:3eff:fe5c:d0c3/64 Scope:Global
         inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe5c:d0c3/64 Scope:Link
         RX packets:10659485 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:9954641 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
         RX bytes:1975408602 (1.8 GiB)  TX bytes:2024436346 (1.8 GiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
         inet addr:  Mask:
         inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:2858 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:2858 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:1026132 (1002.0 KiB)  TX bytes:1026132 (1002.0 KiB)


By: Private Name (falves11) 2008-06-12 03:51:14

The question is: is this problem going to affect my production traffic? I am probabaly the only fool running Trunk in production. Please let me know if I should go back to what version number.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2008-06-12 08:45:21

falves11: that is really a question you should be able to answer yourself. Look at the -commits list to find when changes to pbx_dundi.so happened, and then step back revisions until you no longer have the issue.

Ideally narrow down the commit, and report it here so the developers can see which commit caused the issue, and thus either revert it, or fix it.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-12 09:00:10

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 122047

U   trunk/main/netsock.c

r122047 | russell | 2008-06-12 08:59:57 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 4 lines

Don't log not being able to set a default EID.  Most people don't care, and
those that do can check their setup using CLI commands.
(closes issue ASTERISK-12178)



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-12 09:00:58

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 122048

_U  branches/1.6.0/

r122048 | russell | 2008-06-12 09:00:54 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 11 lines

Blocked revisions 122047 via svnmerge

r122047 | russell | 2008-06-12 09:06:38 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 4 lines

Don't log not being able to set a default EID.  Most people don't care, and
those that do can check their setup using CLI commands.
(closes issue ASTERISK-12178)




By: Private Name (falves11) 2008-06-12 09:32:45

I would be perhaps helpful if somebody would be so kind as to explain what is the EID and why Asterisk cannot read the mac address from eth0. Maybe we need to the bottom of this instead of sweeping it under the rug.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-12 12:32:00

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 122241

U   trunk/include/asterisk/network.h

r122241 | russell | 2008-06-12 12:31:54 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 3 lines

Get default entity ID determination working on Linux again
(closes issue ASTERISK-12178)



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-12 12:32:28

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 122242

_U  branches/1.6.0/

r122242 | russell | 2008-06-12 12:32:27 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 10 lines

Blocked revisions 122241 via svnmerge

r122241 | russell | 2008-06-12 12:38:27 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 3 lines

Get default entity ID determination working on Linux again
(closes issue ASTERISK-12178)




By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-12 14:26:17

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 122358

_U  team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/Makefile
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/README
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_chanisavail.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_chanspy.c
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_dahdibarge.c
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_dahdiras.c
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_dahdiscan.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_dial.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_fax.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_flash.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_getcpeid.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_meetme.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_page.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_queue.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_rpt.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_zapbarge.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_zapras.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/apps/app_zapscan.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/build_tools/menuselect-deps.in
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/cdr/cdr_csv.c
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/channels/chan_dahdi.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/channels/chan_iax2.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/channels/chan_mgcp.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/channels/chan_zap.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/channels/misdn/isdn_lib.c
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/codecs/codec_dahdi.c
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/codecs/codec_zap.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/extensions.ael.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/extensions.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/extensions.lua.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/meetme.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/muted.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/queues.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/rpt.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/sla.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/smdi.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/users.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/vpb.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configs/zapata.conf.sample
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configure
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/configure.ac
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/init.d/rc.mandrake.asterisk
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/init.d/rc.mandrake.zaptel
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/scripts/autosupport
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/contrib/utils/zones2indications.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/asterisk.8
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/asterisk.sgml
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/backtrace.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/janitor-projects.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/manager_1_1.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/osp.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/sms.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/ss7.txt
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/ael.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/app-sms.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/backtrace.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/channelvariables.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/configuration.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/enum.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/hardware.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/localchannel.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/manager.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/privacy.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/queues-with-callback-members.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/security.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/doc/tex/sla.tex
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/autoconfig.h.in
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/channel.h
A   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/dahdi.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/doxyref.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/dsp.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/network.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/options.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/timing.h
D   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/include/asterisk/zapata.h
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/main/asterisk.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/main/channel.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/main/features.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/main/file.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/main/loader.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/makeopts.in
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/pbx/pbx_config.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/res/res_musiconhold.c
U   team/seanbright/resolve-shadow-warnings/utils/extconf.c

r122358 | seanbright | 2008-06-12 14:26:10 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 65 lines

Merged revisions 122228,122232,122234,122240-122241,122243-122244,122262 via svnmerge from

r122228 | mmichelson | 2008-06-12 12:25:09 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 12 lines

Merging the work done in the queue-log-atxfer branch. The
net result of this work is that attended transfers made
by queue members will now show up in the queue_log as a
TRANSFER message instead of COMPLETECALLER as it had been.

As far as the details go, I created a datastore which is
attached to the calling channel just prior to when the caller
is bridged with the queue member. If the calling channel
is masqueraded, then during the "fixup" portion, the TRANSFER
will be logged and the datastore will be removed.

r122232 | russell | 2008-06-12 13:14:32 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 2 lines

Make this build under dev mode

r122234 | jpeeler | 2008-06-12 13:27:55 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 3 lines

Goodbye Zaptel, hello DAHDI. Removes Zaptel driver support with DAHDI. Configuration file and dialplan backwards compatability has been put in place where appropiate. Release announcement to follow.

r122240 | kpfleming | 2008-06-12 13:30:55 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 1 line

clarify documentation on how timer intervals should be specified
r122241 | russell | 2008-06-12 13:38:27 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 3 lines

Get default entity ID determination working on Linux again
(closes issue ASTERISK-12178)

r122243 | jpeeler | 2008-06-12 13:39:38 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 2 lines

Make sure we hangup any calls we have and NULL out the ss7call value when we get a reset circuit message.  Fixes crash bug. (from mattf r121857, moving from chan_zap to chan_dahdi)

r122244 | jpeeler | 2008-06-12 13:49:37 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 2 lines

Fix pseudo channel allocation errors on startup when using SS7. (from mattf r121914, moving from chan_zap to chan_dahdi)

r122262 | russell | 2008-06-12 14:23:54 -0400 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 11 lines

Merged revisions 122259 via svnmerge from

r122259 | russell | 2008-06-12 13:22:44 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008) | 3 lines

Fix some race conditions that cause ast_assert() to report that chan_iax2 tried
to remove an entry that wasn't in the scheduler



