
Summary:ASTERISK-11765: Neither Flite nor Cepstral TTS works with Asterisk 1.6
Reporter:Ward Mundy (wardmundy)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-04-01 13:42:17Date Closed:2008-04-01 13:56:33
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Lack of native support for either Flite or Cepstral TTS breaks thousands of existing text-to-speech Asterisk applications. Other individuals originally wrote the code to support these apps in Asterisk 1.2 and Asterisk 1.4. Neither of the authors works with Asterisk today.


With Cepstral, the problem application is app_swift.c and specifically ast_config_load. The trick with Asterisk/Swift (cepstral) integration is a tool that generates the TTS messages without resort to temporary files, etc. as far as the end-user is concerned. app-swift filled that bill by providing an identical interface to the existing Flite TTS interface, i.e. Swift("here is some text to say"). When inserted in the dialplan, it just worked without having to worry about writing out a temp file with a random filename, then playing it back, then deleting the temp file. Suffice it to say, app-swift was just about the perfect way to use Cepstral with Asterisk. No muss, no fuss.

I'm one of the principal developers of PBX in a Flash, now with 40,000 installed Asterisk 1.4 systems. We plan to release a 1.6 beta version in the next few weeks, but are reluctant to do so without TTS support.
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2008-04-01 13:56:32

This is clearly code that is not in Asterisk.  Many of us cannot even look at the code, unless it has been disclaimed.

If the original developers are not willing/able to update their code, then you are going to either have to find somebody who will do it for free, or offer a bounty for somebody to do it.  This is most certainly not the place to be requesting this.

In the future, before posting any bug reports, please read the bug guidelines as linked on the main page of bugs.digium.com.