
Summary:ASTERISK-11435: Zap procedding is coming twice
Reporter:destiny6628 (destiny6628)Labels:
Date Opened:2008-02-14 02:46:51.000-0600Date Closed:2008-04-01 17:26:05
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) bt_and_bt_full.txt
( 1) bt_and_bt_full_output.txt
( 2) console_output.txt
( 3) zap_procedding_.txt
Description:Hi , all

we have been using Asterisk since a long time now and running on SIP channels without asterisk getting crashed even once a day .

But we have been facing a very peculiar issue with Zap channels getting dialed out and asterisk getting crashed at least 4times a day .

We are using latest versions as

Asterisk 1.4.18
Zaptel 1.4.8
Libpri 1.4.3

we have compiled asterisk with dont optimize and cannot do valgrind test because  it's a production server and with valgrind test load average on the server goes even above 50 and causes the whole dialing to crash .

I have gone through the bt and bt full and also have taken the console output and noticed a peculiar thing which i am explaining below :----

When asterisk got crashed then at that time one of the which was getting dialed was 9868004917  and the zap channel was proceding which is clearly seen from the console output.Now once channel was procedding , again it got the proceding message dont know and again zap channel was procedding .

I am attaching the console output and also bt and bt full .

Any help or suggestions will ne highly appreciated .

Comments:By: destiny6628 (destiny6628) 2008-02-14 02:54:07.000-0600

-- Executing [9119868004917@default:1] AGI("Local/9119868004917@default-d328                                                                             ,2", "call_log||") in new stack
   -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/call_log
   -- AGI Script call_log completed, returning 0
   -- Executing [9119868004917@default:2] GotoIf("Local/9119868004917@default-d                                                                             328,2", "0?3:4") in new stack
   -- Goto (default,9119868004917,4)
   -- Executing [9119868004917@default:4] Dial("Local/9119868004917@default-d32                                                                             8,2", "Zap/g1/9868004917||o") in new stack
   -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
   -- Called g1/9868004917
   -- Zap/40-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119810731238@default-0d13,2
   -- Zap/41-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119868004917@default-d328,2


   -- Zap/26-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119868469124@default-09d9,2
   -- Executing [9119873667468@default:1] AGI("Local/9119873667468@default-2925                                                                             ,2", "call_log||") in new stack
   -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/call_log
   -- AGI Script call_log completed, returning 0
   -- Executing [9119873667468@default:2] GotoIf("Local/9119873667468@default-2                                                                             925,2", "0?3:4") in new stack
   -- Goto (default,9119873667468,4)
   -- Executing [9119873667468@default:4] Dial("Local/9119873667468@default-292                                                                             5,2", "Zap/g1/9873667468||o") in new stack
   -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
   -- Called g1/9873667468
   -- Zap/42-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119811478918@default-9f52,2
   -- Zap/36-1 is ringing
   -- Zap/43-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119873667468@default-2925,2
   -- Zap/17-1 is ringing
   -- Zap/41-1 is making progress passing it to Local/9119868004917@default-d32                                                                             8,2
   -- Zap/17-1 is making progress passing it to Local/9119891598925@default-fc6                                                                             e,2
   -- Zap/40-1 is ringing
   -- Zap/43-1 is making progress passing it to Local/9119873667468@default-292                                                                             5,2
   -- Executing [185@default:1] Answer("Local/185@default-6922,2", "") in new s                                                                             tack
   -- Executing [185@default:2] Dial("Local/185@default-6922,2", "SIP/185") in                                                                              new stack
   -- Called 185
   -- Executing [9119811602524@default:1] AGI("Local/185@default-6922,1", "call                                                                             _log||") in new stack
   -- Zap/40-1 is busy
   -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/call_log
   -- Hungup 'Zap/40-1'
 == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)



Zap/41-1 is proceeding passing it to Local/9119868004917@default-d328,2 AND  -- Zap/41-1 is making progress passing it to Local/9119868004917@default-d32                                                                             8,2

By: destiny6628 (destiny6628) 2008-02-14 03:26:50.000-0600

Again after 2 hours of calling asterisk got crashed and have gone through the core dump and also console output .

Console output is attached with the name of console output.txt and core dump values are with the name of bt and bt full output.txt.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2008-04-01 17:26:04

This is the same as issue ASTERISK-11443.