
Summary:ASTERISK-10737: The BLINDTRANSFER variable is not populated when call transfered via SIP 302
Reporter:A.R. Nasir Qureshi (nasirq)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-11-11 09:44:56.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:24
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Using Polycom 650.

When setting the Forward feature on the Polycom, the call goes back into the dial plan, but the BLINDTRANSFER variable is not populated, and thus there is no way to distinguish the call as being transfered or a new call.

Extract from my extensions.conf:

exten => _3XX,1,Set(DEVICE=${DB(channel/${EXTEN})})
exten => _3XX,n,GotoIf($["${DEVICE}"=""]?999)
exten => _3XX,n,Set(EXT=${EXTEN})

exten => _3XX,n,Set(AEXT=${DB(BS/${EXTEN})})
exten => _3XX,n,GotoIf($["${AEXT}"=""]?15)

exten => _3XX,n,NoOP(${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _3XX,n,NoOP(${BLINDTRANSFER})

Output from the asterisk:

[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Now forwarding IAX2/nasir-lt-iax-9 to 'Local/301@extensions' (thanks to SIP/138-08213360)
[Nov 11 20:33:59] NOTICE[7861]: cdr.c:434 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/138-08213360' not posted
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:1] Set("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "DEVICE=SIP/5555") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:2] GotoIf("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "0?999") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:3] Set("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "EXT=301") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:4] Set("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "AEXT=302") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:5] GotoIf("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "0?15") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:6] NoOp("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "399") in new stack
[Nov 11 20:33:59]     -- Executing [301@extensions:7] NoOp("Local/301@extensions-f084,2", "") in new stack

Please note that at step 7, the variable BLINDTRANSFER is to be displayed, but it comes up empty.
Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-11-12 07:27:33.000-0600

Call forwarding (which is when a device sends back a 302) is NOT the same as a transfer. That's why BLINDTRANSFER is not populated, cause it's not a blind transfer :). To that extent if you wish to submit a patch to make it clear that the call was call forwarded... feel free.