
Summary:ASTERISK-10493: codec_g729a.so (v32) doesn't read licences file correctly
Reporter:Mathieu BOYER (thieums)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-10-10 16:46:44Date Closed:2007-10-10 17:18:34
Versions:Frequency of
as I upgraded my *1.2 to *1.4, I thought first it was a problem with 1.4, but I reproducted the problem with 1.2.24 and last codec_g729a.so provided for 1.2 (v32).

I've got 5 .lic files (4*10 + 1*20 = 60 g729 channels available)

with v32 (last one)
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:  [codec_g729a.so]Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:  [codec_g729a.so] => (Annex A/B (floating point) G.729 Codec (optimized for i686))
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == G.729 Host-ID: 39:f8:11:7a:9c:47:32:7e:9c:d2:e7:bc:92:4f:47:78:10:06:cd:96
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-3432XXXX' providing 10 channels
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-4F8FXXXX' providing 20 channels
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == Found total of 30 G.729 licenses
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 7
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c:   == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 32
Oct 10 23:38:22 VERBOSE[10144] logger.c: Asterisk Ready.

with older (i cannot say exaclty, it seems this one is dated june 2007)
Oct 10 23:38:53 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Unregistered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729
Oct 10 23:38:53 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Unregistered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:  Loaded /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/codec_g729a.so => (Annex A/B (floating point) G.729 Codec (optimized for prescott))
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == G.729 Host-ID: 39:f8:11:7a:9c:47:32:7e:9c:d2:e7:bc:92:4f:47:78:10:06:cd:96
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-2C0FXXXX' providing 10 channels
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-38E7XXXX' providing 10 channels
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-56FDXXXX' providing 10 channels
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-3432XXXX' providing 10 channels
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found license 'G729-4F8FXXXX' providing 20 channels
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Found total of 60 G.729 licenses
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 2
Oct 10 23:39:56 VERBOSE[10172] logger.c:   == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 8

Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-10-10 17:18:34

Please contact Digium Technical Support, and they will be more than happy to assist you with this.