
Summary:ASTERISK-10394: __zt_exception: We're Zap/1-1, not (null)
Reporter:deeperror (deeperror)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-09-26 16:16:59Date Closed:2007-12-12 16:44:24.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) extensions.conf
Description:I get the following error:

[Sep 26 17:21:10] WARNING[9094]: chan_zap.c:4585 __zt_exception: We're Zap/1-1, not (null)

The error is an endless loop and quickly fills log files with thousands of lines.  

This occurs during a 3 way call.  

Callee A answers and is put on hold.

Callee B answers and is talking to caller.

Callee A hangs up before Callee B is added to the conference.

When flash is pressed to create the 3 way no one is there.  Caller then tries to call back callee A by hanging up the telephone and the errors occur.


This is being caused by a Wait being added in the dial plan prior to Hangup().

The Wait() is used to prevent normal callee hangups from blasting a fast busy signal to the caller.  

This is keeping the line open in a wait status basically merging callee B to a channel that is in wait().  Since the 3 way call is technically established when the caller presses flash to get a Dial tone they get nothing.  So they hang up and pick up again and this causes the error.
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2007-12-05 10:30:48.000-0600

Please test the patch in ASTERISK-9377 to see if it solves the causing issue.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-12-12 16:44:23.000-0600

This is definitely a duplicate of ASTERISK-9377.