
Summary:ASTERISK-10388: PBX running Asterisk
Reporter:sunisp (sunisp)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-09-25 23:07:18Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:09
Versions:Frequency of
Description:We have a PBX server for the office with IVR and we have set to peer to peer to another server with the username and password so that all of the office phones can make calls from there. However we made a few changes and now we are getting the following errors.

newa2billing.php|1|did: file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:729 -  get_agi_request_parameter = 102 ; SIP/ ; 1190780202.74 ;  ; 0115016702287
 newa2billing.php|1|did: file:newa2billing.php - line:333 - [ANSWER CALL]
[Sep 26 00:16:42] DEBUG[26107]: res_config_mysql.c:650 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Everything is fine.
[Sep 26 00:16:42] DEBUG[26107]: res_config_mysql.c:138 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM cc_sip_buddies WHERE name = ''
 newa2billing.php|1|did: file:newa2billing.php - line:348 - [DID CALL - [CallerID=102]:[DID=0115016702287]
 newa2billing.php|1|did: file:newa2billing.php - line:356 - SELECT cc_did.id, cc_did_destination.id, billingtype, tariff, destination,  voip_call, username FROM cc_did, cc_did_destination,  cc_card  WHERE id_cc_did=cc_did.id and cc_card.id=id_cc_card and cc_did_destination.activated=1  and cc_did.activated=1 and did='0115016702287'  AND cc_did.startingdate<= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND (cc_did.expirationdate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR cc_did.expirationdate IS NULL OR  cc_did.expirationdate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY priority ASC
 newa2billing.php|1|did: file:newa2billing.php - line:358 - 0
   -- AGI Script newa2billing.php completed, returning 0
[Sep 26 00:16:42] DEBUG[26107]: res_config_mysql.c:650 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Everything is fine.
[Sep 26 00:16:42] DEBUG[26107]: res_config_mysql.c:138 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM cc_sip_buddies WHERE name = ''
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-09-26 08:51:23

I see no error messages here.  I see no description of the problem.  You're also running 1.2.

Closing.  If you are running on 1.4, and are actually getting errors, please reopen this bug, and give some more useful information.