
Summary:ASTERISK-10383: Hinting not working reliably
Reporter:Daniel Lynes (dlynes)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-09-24 11:24:54Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:53
Versions:Frequency of
Description:We are using Aastra 9133i's for most desk phones, and an Aastra 57i with a 560M sidecar module for the blf monitoring.

What we have been finding is that the BLF monitoring is not working reliably.  Often times a subscription might take up to eight hours to start showing up as a watcher in Asterisk (as was the case for monitoring zaptel channels).  Other hints (about 10% of our hints) show up as idle when they're busy (and they're consistent with that), and the rest seem to work normal.  Hints registered for parked lines will not show up as watchers, period.

****** STEPS TO REPRODUCE ******

Create a dialplan with hints, ensuring hints are not include=>'d from other contexts.  (They'll show up as other contexts in show hints...is that a bug, or a feature?)  Create entries on the 57i's attached 560M to monitor those hints as 'BLFs'.  57i should be rebooted afterwards to guarantee hints are working, but they usually start working without a reboot.
Comments:By: Daniel Lynes (dlynes) 2007-09-24 21:13:27

This problem has also been tested to be an issue in 1.4 branch by paulc.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-10-01 09:06:08

Please provide the SIP configuration in use, the dialplan logic for the hints, complete console output with debug for a call that would change the inuse value, and a sip debug of a subscription from a phone.

By: pj (pj) 2007-10-15 12:52:35

hints are also working weird for me...
I have in friend (line num. 324) config definition:
 Call limit   : 2
 Busy level   : 1

when I make call from 324 to somewhere (Call limit peers only:  No)...
sip show inuse
* User name               In use          Limit
324                       1               2
* Peer name               In use          Limit
324                       0/0/0           2

core show hints
                   324@linestates          : SIP/324               State:Idle            Watchers  0

when I set 'Call limit peers only:  Yes' and make same call (from line num 324)
sip show inuse
* User name               In use          Limit
324                       0               2
* Peer name               In use          Limit
324                       1/0/0           2

core show hints  

                   324@linestates          : SIP/324               State:Busy            Watchers  0

context linestates {
       hint(SIP/324) 324 => NoOP;


By: pj (pj) 2007-10-16 16:57:42

I'm testing presence with eyebeam and asterisk  SVN-trunk-r85944M,
status is sometimes switched between wrong states, eg.:
-> make new call
- state is ringing (it's OK) -> answer
- state changed to 'idle' WRONG -> hangup call
- state changed to InUse WRONG -> make new call
- state changed to idle WRONG etc...

on my sip friends I have set:
call-limit=2, busy-level=1, lomitonpeers=yes

affected line unregistering/reregistering doesn't solve this issue,
I must restart asterisk to clear extension wrong state.

By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2007-10-17 07:28:02

If you see "Watchers: 0", also check the output of "sip show subscriptions.  If the subscriptions are not there, then the most likely thing is that the phone is not configured properly, as it did not subscribe to the extension state.  You can verify it further using wireshark or the SIP debug output in Asterisk to see if the phone attempts to subscribe to the extensions you think it should.

By: pj (pj) 2007-10-17 08:36:25

thank you for interest russell, but 'watchers 0' isn't source of the issue (I only shutdown my softphone during copy&paste),
I probably found source:
I have line 324 on SIP phone and skinny phone, when I make call from skinny 324 and answer call on sip 324 (in dialplan i have Dial(SIP/324&Skinny/324)), the weird behaviour (eg. idle when busy, busy when idle) occured, when I terminated sip softphone after that, asterisk logs botom messages... but it's probably only minor/rarely issue...

maybe weird is, that when I have limitonpeers in default (ie. NO), hints still shows calling party (ie. 'user' from asterisk perspective) as idle, even if I have busy-level=1 (and call-limit=2)
shouldn't be changed 'busy-level', that will be applied not only on 'peer' but also for 'user' part?

[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''
[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''
[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''
[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''
[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''
[Oct 17 15:37:25] WARNING[24592]: chan_sip.c:15914 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: 'linestates', subscribeuri: ''

By: Daniel Lynes (dlynes) 2007-10-17 11:17:44

I just got back from Florida last night.  I will be able to get you more information on this issue within the next 2 or 3 days.

By: Daniel Lynes (dlynes) 2007-10-26 17:01:55

I've discovered a number of things with this issue.

If I set call-limit=50 and limitonpeers=yes in the sip.conf file as someone suggested in the forums, it fixes the BLF not being watched problem.  This seems to be quite unexpected, as it means I cannot even use the call-limit to limit how many calls are sent to the phone now.

Another thing I've found too, is that the call parking BLF was not working, until I added the parking space to the dialplan:

exten => 901,hint,park:901@outbound
exten => 901,1,ParkedCall(901)

Using the following:
include => parkedcalls

Was not enough.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-11-05 10:58:06.000-0600

It is now required to use call-limit to get reliable state information, and the other issue has been fixed already.