
Summary:ASTERISK-10165: Internal call to queue drops after exactly 1 minute
Reporter:Gregory Malsack (gmalsack)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-08-24 17:22:17Date Closed:2007-08-29 13:46:56
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The system I just installed using the tarballs I downloaded from digiums website is doing this very same thing as stated in bug 1223. I am also running 1.4.11. However, I didn't see a resolution listed here, and was unable to locate a resolution after over an hour searching the web. I downgraded to 1.4.10 because the production system I am using doesn't have this problem. However even after the downgrade, the queue calls still drop after exactly 1 minute.

Can either Markster or Jesse let me know what was done to resolve this issue. gmalsack@gmellc.com

Gregory Malsack


Connected to Asterisk 1.4.10 currently running on ipbx (pid = 5938)
   -- Remote UNIX connection
Verbosity is at least 3
   -- Executing [800@default:1] Queue("SIP/101-09408850", "800") in new stack
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/101-09408850'
   -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1111', on 'Local/101@default-7b87,1'
   -- Executing [101@default:1] Macro("Local/101@default-7b87,2", "stdexten|101|SIP/101") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Dial("Local/101@default-7b87,2", "SIP/101|20") in new stack
   -- Called 101
   -- SIP/101-09411678 is ringing
   -- Agent/1111 is ringing
   -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/101-09408850
 == Spawn extension (default, 800, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-09408850'
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-7b87,2' in macro 'stdexten'
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-7b87,2'
   -- Executing [800@default:1] Queue("SIP/100-09408850", "800") in new stack
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/100-09408850'
   -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1111', on 'Local/101@default-2250,1'
   -- Executing [101@default:1] Macro("Local/101@default-2250,2", "stdexten|101|SIP/101") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Dial("Local/101@default-2250,2", "SIP/101|20") in new stack
   -- Called 101
   -- SIP/101-0940eee8 is ringing
   -- Agent/1111 is ringing
   -- Nobody picked up in 15000 ms
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-2250,2' in macro 'stdexten'
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-2250,2'
   -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/100-09408850
   -- <SIP/100-09408850> Playing 'queue-youarenext' (language 'en')
   -- Told SIP/100-09408850 in 800 their queue position (which was 1)
   -- <SIP/100-09408850> Playing 'queue-thankyou' (language 'en')
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/100-09408850'
   -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1111', on 'Local/101@default-966f,1'
   -- Executing [101@default:1] Macro("Local/101@default-966f,2", "stdexten|101|SIP/101") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Dial("Local/101@default-966f,2", "SIP/101|20") in new stack
   -- Called 101
   -- SIP/101-0940eee8 is ringing
   -- Agent/1111 is ringing
   -- Nobody picked up in 15000 ms
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-966f,2' in macro 'stdexten'
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-966f,2'
   -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1111', on 'Local/101@default-6cde,1'
   -- Executing [101@default:1] Macro("Local/101@default-6cde,2", "stdexten|101|SIP/101") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Dial("Local/101@default-6cde,2", "SIP/101|20") in new stack
   -- Called 101
   -- SIP/101-0940eee8 is ringing
   -- Agent/1111 is ringing
   -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/100-09408850
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-6cde,2' in macro 'stdexten'
 == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/101@default-6cde,2'
 == Spawn extension (default, 800, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/100-09408850'
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-08-24 17:28:16

We're going to need to see your queue, agent, and dialplan configs.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-08-27 07:18:56

Here's some important information... Queue does _not_ answer the calling phone, you have to do that in the dialplan before executing it. If you do not it is possible your phone will give up after a minute. If that doesn't work respond back with the info Qwell requested.

By: Gregory Malsack (gmalsack) 2007-08-28 12:46:49

Thanks for the feedback. I added exten => 800,1,answer() above my queue line as suggested and the problem was resolved. Again thanks for the response!