
Summary:ASTERISK-10063: inUse removed from users but remains for peers
Reporter:Andrey Rouskol (anry)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-08-10 15:51:24Date Closed:2007-08-10 16:07:50
Versions:Frequency of
Description:We were running asterisk 1.2.10 for about a year without big problems but two days ago we upgraded to 1.2.24. After upgrade we met a problem with sip accounts with call_limit=1 set. The problem is that after some time for some accounts inuse count for the user becomes 0, but for the peer it remains 1, and all incoming calls to this peer are dropped.
There was no such a problem in 1.2.10.
The only idea we have is that it happens after receiving a fax on incoming call when the peer re-invites call originator. But this is only our assumptions. We are going to verify this on Monday.

Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-08-10 16:07:49

1.2 is now in security-fixes only mode.

Please reopen if you can reproduce with 1.4.